

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word alamin in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word alamin:

alamín  Play audio #18274
[verb] to find out something; to figure out something; to know something;
*Note: focus on the thing known/to be known

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Verb conjugations of alamin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: alamConjugation Type: -In Verb
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
alamín  Play audio #18274
Completed (Past):
inalám  Play audio #18275
Uncompleted (Present):
ináalám  Play audio #18276
Contemplated (Future):
áalamín  Play audio #18277
Verb family:
malaman  |  
makaalám  |  
Usage Note Icon Usage Notes:
This verb does not have a standard subject-focused verb counterpart', i.e., there are no such words like "umalam" or "mag-alam". Maybe that's because knowing is always focused on the thing to be known.

Usage Note: "Alamin" is not used when its focus is on a named or known person. "Kilalanin" is used instead because this word suggests knowing more about the person than just his/her name.

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Alamín mo kung dumatíng na siyá.
Play audio #30157 Play audio #30159Audio Loop
Find out if he's arrived.
Sino siyá? Alamín mo ngâ kung sino siyá.
Play audio #30160 Play audio #30161Audio Loop
Who is she? Please find out who she is.
Inalám ko na kung sino silá.
Play audio #30162 Play audio #30163Audio Loop
I already found out who they are.
Alamín natin.
Play audio #30172 Play audio #30173Audio Loop
Let's find out.
Huwág mo nang alamín.
Play audio #30164 Play audio #30165Audio Loop
Don't stick your nose into it any more.
Teka, áalamín ko sa kanya.
Play audio #30177 Play audio #30178Audio Loop
Wait, I will inquire with him.
Alamín mo kung anó ang kakapitan at anó ang pawáwalán.
Play audio #46399Audio Loop
Know what to hold on to and what to let go of.
Sinisikap ni Lorraine na alamín ang kondisyón ng asawa niyá.
Play audio #48960Audio Loop
Lorraine is trying to find out about her husband's condition.
Alamín mo kung anó ang iyóng magagawâ para sa kanyá.
Play audio #30166 Play audio #30167Audio Loop
Find out what you can do for him. / See what you can do for him.
Sa ngayón ay ináalám pa ng pulisya ang motibo ng pagpatáy sa bíktima.
Play audio #30168 Play audio #30169Audio Loop
For now, the police are still ascertaining the motive for the murder of the victim.

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How to pronounce alamin:

Play audio #18274
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
alámmalamankinalamanpaképakialámkaalamánmaalamhindí ko alámwaláng pakémakialám
Related English Words:
knowget to knowfind outknewknowsknowingfound outfinding outfinds outfigurefigure outfiguresfiguredfiguringfigured outfigures outfiguring out
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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