
Nag-file na ba sila ng kandidatura nila?

Tagalog example sentence for Kandidatura

Example sentence for the Tagalog word kandidatura, meaning: [noun] candidacy.

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Stressed vowels in the example sentence are underlined.
Nag-file na ba silá ng kandidatura nilá?
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Have they filed their candidacy?

Sentence Literal Translation:

Nag-file na ba sila ng kandidatura nila?
Nag-file na ba silá ng kandidatura nilá ?
filed already an article used to indicate a question with no equivalent in English they a candidacy their
Have they filed their candidacy?

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About These Example Sentences:

The example sentences on were manually added by native Filipino language speaking editors of this website with an eye toward accuracy and usefulness. Each sentence includes accent markup, a "natural" translation of the sentence into English, and literal word-for-word translations. We believe that a large number of example sentences is critical for new students to fully and accurately learn the vocabulary and sentence structure of a new language!

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