

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word itaguyod in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word itaguyod:

itaguyod  Play audio #9078
[verb] to support something; to uphold something; to back something; to further something; to help something move forward; to promote something

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Verb conjugations of itaguyod:

Object Focus Icon
Root: taguyodConjugation Type: I-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
itaguyod  Play audio #9078
Completed (Past):
itinaguyod  Play audio #26024
Uncompleted (Present):
itinátaguyod  Play audio #26026
Contemplated (Future):
itátaguyod  Play audio #26027
Verb family:
magtaguyod  |  
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Kailangang itaguyod ng páaralán ang mga proyektong nasimulán.
Play audio #36283Audio Loop
The school needs to promote the projects that had been started.
Nais ng páligsahan na itaguyod ang di ng kápatiran.
Play audio #37892Audio Loop
The competition aims to promote a spirit of camaraderie.
Nagtrabaho si Rhoda sa Dubai para itaguyod ang kaniyáng pamilya.
Play audio #48627Audio Loop
Rhoda worked in Dubai to support her family.
Itinaguyod ng gobyerno ang programa para sa mga mahirap.
Play audio #48626Audio Loop
The government promoted the program for the poor.
Itinaguyod ng lokál na pámahalaán ang kampanya sa kalinisan.
Play audio #37596Audio Loop
The local government promoted the cleanliness campaign.
Itinaguyod ng pámunuán ang karapatán sa paggawâ.
Play audio #36717Audio Loop
The management upheld the labor rights.
Itinátaguyod ni Sheila ang karapatán ng mga babae.
Play audio #36890Audio Loop
Sheila is promoting women's rights.
Itinátaguyod ng unibersidád ang mga proyekto para sa mental na kalusugan.
Play audio #48624Audio Loop
The university is promoting projects for mental health.
Itinátaguyod ni Al Gore ang pangángala sa kalikasan.
Play audio #48625Audio Loop
Al Gore is promoting care for the environment.
Itátaguyod namin ang reputasyón ng ating páaralán.
Play audio #37392Audio Loop
We will uphold the reputation of our school.
Alternate spelling(s):
tinaguyod, tinataguyod
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce itaguyod:

Play audio #9078
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