

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word madaliin in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word madaliin:

madaliín  Play audio #8995
[verb] to hurry something; to rush something; to make something faster; to cut something short (in time)

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Verb conjugations of madaliin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: daliConjugation Type: -In Verb
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
madaliín  Play audio #8995
Completed (Past):
minadalî  Play audio #24226
Uncompleted (Present):
minámadalî  Play audio #24227
Contemplated (Future):
mámadaliín  Play audio #24228
Verb family:
magmadalî  |  
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Huwág hayaan ang ibáng madaliín kang magpasiyá agád.
Play audio #46191Audio Loop
Do not be rushed into making a quick decision.
Ayaw kong madaliín ninyó ang pagsagót.
Play audio #46187Audio Loop
I do not want you to rush your answers.
Huwág madaliín ang pagkain.
Play audio #46182Audio Loop
Take time to enjoy the food.
Dapat bang madaliín ang pag-ibig?
Play audio #46188Audio Loop
Should love be rushed?
Minadalî nilá ang kaniláng proyekto.
Play audio #46186Audio Loop
They rushed their project.
Minadalî ni Faye ang larô at agád na umalís.
Play audio #46183Audio Loop
Faye made the game faster and left immediately.
Hindî magandá kapág minadalî ang pagkaba.
Play audio #46179Audio Loop
It's not good when childhood is rushed.
Huwág mo akóng minámadalî!
Play audio #46181Audio Loop
Don't rush me!
Minámadalî niyá ang pagsulat ng sanaysáy.
Play audio #46189Audio Loop
She hurriedly wrote the essay.
Minámadalî na nilá ang paggawâ ng stadium.
Play audio #46190Audio Loop
They're now rushing the construction of the stadium.

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How to pronounce madaliin:

Play audio #8995
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
cut shortcut something shortmake fasterfastermade fastermaking fastermakes fasterhurryhurrieshurriedhurryingrushrushesrushedrushinghurry somethingrush somethingmake something fastermake something go faster
Grammatical Ligature:
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