
Revival in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word revival.

The English word "revival" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) pagbuhay - [noun] revival; raising/rearing more...
2.) pananari - the return of color or any sign of freshness in a plant after being watered or rained upon; rejuvenation; renewal; revival; refreshment; more...
3.) resureksiyón - resurrection; the act of coming back to life; revival; rebirth; more...
4.) Renasimyento - renaissance; an activity, spirit, or period of great vigor and renewal in art, literature, or learning in europe that began in the fourteenth century and lasted until the seventeenth century, signifying a change or transition from the middle ages to the modern world; the style and manner of treating art utilized in that period; commonly in lowercase, any similar revival or renewed interest, and the like; revival; rebirth; renewal; more...

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