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Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "masidhi, masidhing"...  

Results found by count:  
masidhing: 2 instances found

masidhi: 1 instances found

Share these search results » can try are the hotels near MOA, you can cruise the mall or the casinos that have live shows. Masidhi ba ang alaalang iniwan fam? Circa mid-2000s I rode around the metro on a stripped-down underbone to and from work. Wala naman kaso basta you still have the proper equipment like side mirrors, headlights,... isang chapter sa florante at laura. Dangan doo'y walang Oreadang Ninfas, gubat sa Palasyo ng masidhing Harp'yas, nangaawa disi't naakay lumiyag sa himalang tipon karikta't hirap. Eto lang daw po talaga hindi nya mainterpret Balak ko sana magpavasectomy in the future pero 50/50 pa rin ako sa desisyon na iyo.... na, tuloy-tuloy na yun at para nasusulatan mo rin kapag hard copy. 5. Time management, at masidhing (!) focus. Need sulitin ang bawat oras. 7. Praktis ka na ng penmanship. Mas maganda ang cursive para mabilis. Mga 5 days na tong ubo ko pero I feel a lot better na after taking mucolytics. Hopefully di na...

Display count: 3

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.