
And The Like in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word and the like.

The English word "and the like" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) kahat - a taste that lingers on the tongue, similar to the effect of the peel of citrus, calamansi, and the like; astringent; bitter; tart; zesty; more...
2.) untós - the subsiding of strong wind, rain, flood, and the like; abate; subside; diminish; ease off; let up; more...
3.) obertura - [noun] an introduction or opening piece of music in an orchestral composition, opera, and the like; overture; more...
4.) eléktrodó - a conductor of electricity in an electrolyte, gas, vacuum, and the like; electrode; more...
5.) uhás - any thin piece, such as sheet metal, mat, and the like; sheet; slice; sliver; flap; strip; more...
6.) présipisyo - a steep face of a plateau, mountain, and the like; cliff; precipice; bluff; crag; more...
7.) rebersiyón - the act of returning to a former state, action, behavior, belief, and the like; reversion; rollback; retrogression; regression; more...
8.) anatóng - lanete; a fairly large tree (wrightia pubescens) that grows up to 30 meters tall, with ovate leaves, and wood used in construction, pencils, kitchen utensils, and the like; wrightia; milkwood; more...
9.) adhudiká - to perform the role of a judge in competitions, courts, and the like; adjudicate; judge; arbitrate; more...
10.) empresaryo - impresario; a person who organizes or manages performances, especially the manager of a company, opera, concert, and the like; manager, director, and similar roles; promoter; manager; organizer; director; more...
11.) balaong - a container for rice, corn, and the like; large, square, and made of bamboo and rattan; bin; basket; storage box; more...
12.) ulian - the behavior of an elderly person that is characterized by being forgetful, grumpy, error-prone, and the like; senility; dotage; second childhood; more...
13.) dî-maralitâ - unbearable pain, suffering, and the like; unbearable; intolerable; insufferable; more...
14.) paluksó - trap used for catching pigs, deer, and the like; trap; snare; more...
15.) lapnís - dry skin or bark of bananas, trees, and the like; peel; rind; bark; husk; more...
16.) numismátiká - the study concerning coins, medals, and the like; coin collecting; currency study; medal study; more...
17.) panggapas - a tool used for harvesting or cutting grass, stalks of rice, and the like, such as a sickle; sickle; scythe; reaper; harvesting tool; more...
18.) tamburín - a small drum consisting of a circular frame, covered with skin, with pairs of metal jingles attached to the frame, and played by hitting with the hand, shaking, and the like; tambourine; more...
19.) talonaryo - a book that contains tickets, blank receipts, cheques, and the like; ticket book; receipt book; cheque book; more...
20.) éksterminá - to exterminate or kill animals, insects, and the like; exterminate; eradicate; eliminate; more...
21.) imposisyón - the act of assigning tasks, responsibilities, and the like; imposition; assignment; more...
22.) pornógrapiya - the depiction or presentation of sexual activity in literature, movies, and the like, to stimulate the sexual desire of the reader or viewer; pornography; more...
23.) boal - a solidified lump or chunk of salt, flour, earth, and the like; clump; chunk; lump; more...
24.) éntreakto - intermission; a brief pause or short interval; a short break between the acts of a play, show, concert, and the like; a period of inactivity; break; pause; interval; recess; more...
25.) habíd - a tangled mess of rope, vine, wire, and the like; entanglement; tangle; snarl; more...
26.) gikín - a circular support or stand, typically made of woven bamboo or rattan, used for propping up pots, jars, pans, and the like; stand; trivet; rack; holder; more...
27.) eskayola - a type of plaster that resembles marble, gypsum, and other stones, commonly used in making statues, figurines, and the like; plaster; stucco; gypsum; more...
28.) sisma - schism; the act of dividing or splitting due to beliefs, religion, and the like; any of the groups or sects that form due to differences in beliefs; a sin or transgression that causes the division of members of a church or congregation; split; division; sect; faction; more...
29.) inhenyeriya - [noun] engineering; the use of science in design, manufacturing, and operation of machines, construction, and the like; more...
30.) disenyadór - a person who draws designs, plans, and the like; designer; drafter; planner; more...
31.) repraksiyón - a change in direction of a ray of light, sound, heat, and the like, causing it to bend or deviate when it strikes the surface of different mediums; refraction; more...
32.) panderetas - tambourine; a small drum consisting of a circular frame, with a membrane stretched over it, with pairs of metal jingles attached to the frame, and played by striking with the hand, shaking, and the like; more...
33.) tindák - the act of kicking back when let go, as in the recoil of a spring, elastic band, and the like; recoil; spring back; rebound; snap back; more...
34.) ekstrakto - a copy from a book, speech, composition, and the like; excerpt; extract; more...
35.) pingkáw - having a distorted shape, such as being crooked, lopsided, and the like; askew; lopsided; crooked; warped; misshapen; more...
36.) pindáng - dried or cured meat such as pork, beef, deer, and the like; often associated with a form of marinated and sun-dried or cured beef or meat in filipino cuisine; jerky; cured meat; dried meat; more...
37.) pasíng - thick nape, as in bulls, buffaloes, and the like; thick neck; stout nape; bulky nape; more...
38.) tákimbaka - a small cleaning brush commonly used for cleaning cars, stoves, and the like, or a brush of a dynamo; a yellow wild grass (sida acuta) that typically grows to about one meter in length.; brush; small broom; scrubbing brush; yellow wild grass; more...
39.) benereo - venereal; originating from, relating to, or transmitted through sexual intercourse, such as infections, diseases, and the like; pertaining to such diseases; having a venereal disease; related to sexual desire or intercourse; able to enhance sexual desire; sexually transmitted; erotic; aphrodisiac; more...
40.) halít - a large tear or rip in clothes, cloth, and the like; rip; tear; rent; laceration; more...
41.) tsaketilya - a men's jacket made of velvet, silk, and the like; velvet jacket; silk jacket; more...
42.) písyoterapiya - the treatment of disease, weakness, or bodily injury through remedies such as massage, gymnastics, and the like, instead of using medication; physiotherapy.; physical therapy; physiotherapy; more...
43.) bibinga - a piece of a broken jar, pot, and the like; shard; fragment; potsherd; more...
44.) émisyón - the act of emitting or expelling smoke, fire, mud, and the like; emission; discharge; release; more...
45.) sulsí - the act of sewing up a tear or hole in clothes, sacks, nets, and the like; darning; mending; stitching; repairing; more...
46.) preserbá - to keep or save from danger, spoilage, and the like; preserve; protect; save; conserve; maintain; [noun] preservative more...
47.) ismokin - a man's jacket made of velvet, silk, and the like; tuxedo jacket; tuxedo; dinner jacket; more...
48.) renúnsiyá - the act of renouncing, withdrawing, sacrificing, or abandoning a right, title, ambition, and the like; renounce; withdraw; sacrifice; abandon; more...
49.) repertoryo - a group of actors and actresses who regularly perform plays, operas, and the like; troupe; company; cast; ensemble; more...
50.) lukbâ - dried or cured meat such as pork, beef, deer, and the like; jerky; cured meat; dried meat; more...
51.) hebilya - a metal clasp used to join ends of a belt, suspenders, and the like; buckle; clasp; fastener; more...
52.) lukmâ - cured; specifically, a cured meat from pork, beef, deer, and the like, resembling jerky or salted meat; jerky; cured meat; salted meat; more...
53.) umpók - a small group of people facing each other, usually for playing, chatting, and the like; cluster; huddle; group; gathering; more...
54.) benerable - considered venerable or respectable because of old age, noble qualities, high position, and the like; venerable; respected; honored; esteemed; revered; more...
55.) rekisa - a thorough examination through the act of rummaging through containers, such as boxes, bags, and the like; search; inspection; rummage; more...
56.) éstampita - a small picture of a saint, holy person, and the like; holy card; prayer card; devotional card; more...
57.) pátaniman - field for planting rice, sugarcane, and the like; plantation; farm; field; cropland; more...
58.) pamatíd - any tool used for cutting rope, wire, and the like; cutter; snip; clipper; more...
59.) dihesto - digest; a collection of summarized legal or literary writings; a book or magazine containing summaries of stories, articles, and the like; compilation; summary; anthology; more...
60.) Renasimyento - renaissance; an activity, spirit, or period of great vigor and renewal in art, literature, or learning in europe that began in the fourteenth century and lasted until the seventeenth century, signifying a change or transition from the middle ages to the modern world; the style and manner of treating art utilized in that period; commonly in lowercase, any similar revival or renewed interest, and the like; revival; rebirth; renewal; more...

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