

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word barkada in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word barkada:

barkada  Play audio #8306
[noun] gang; group of close friends; companions

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La niyáng kasama ang kaniyáng barkada.
Play audio #43104Audio Loop
He is always with his gang.
Hindî magandáng impluwénsiyá ang barkada ni Jesse.
Play audio #43102Audio Loop
Jesse's gang is not a good influence.
Dapat mong iwasan ang barkada ni Lauren.
Play audio #43101Audio Loop
You should avoid Lauren's gang.
Tumulong sa pág-apulá ng apóy ang barkada ko.
Play audio #43103Audio Loop
My gang helped in extinguishing the fire.
Dapat umiiwas ka sa masamáng barkada.
Play audio #36505Audio Loop
You should be avoiding bad company.
Alternate spelling(s):
dabarkads, dabarkad
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce barkada:

Play audio #8306
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
ganggroupgroup of friendsclose friendsgroup of close friendscompanionscompany
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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