
Beating in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word beating.

The English word "beating" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word beating in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pamama   the action of punishing a child through beating or spanking; spanking; whipping; flogging; beating; corporal punishment; more...

More matches for "beating" in Tagalog:

1.) kabá - [noun] palpitation; quick heartbeat; anxiety; worry; fear; [adjective] beating Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
2.) bugbóg - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
3.) pa - [noun] beating; whipping; hitting a ball with a bat or paddle; blows more...
4.) hataw - [noun] beat; beating; thrashing; spanking; hit; [expression] get to it; give it all you've got; go all out Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
5.) sapák - [noun] beating; smacked; punched; beat up; excellent (slang) more...
6.) gulpí - [noun] hit; strike; beating; blow more...
7.) pagyaníg - [noun] trembling; tremor; beating; shaking; quivering more...
8.) pukpók - [noun] bang; hammering; beating; pounding more...
9.) hagupít - [noun] whipping; lashing; beating; devastation Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
10.) pambubugbóg - [noun] beating; beating incident more...
11.) pagtalo - [noun] act of defeating, conquering, beating, etc. more...
12.) panggugulpí - [noun] beating someone up more...
13.) pagtibók - [noun] beating; pulsation more...
14.) pintíg - [noun] beat; beating more...
15.) batí - [noun] beaten; beating more...
16.) sambowang - the act of getting up on someone to beat them up; assault; attack; onslaught; beating; more...
17.) asód - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
18.) katibog - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
19.) bimbang - [noun] beating more...
20.) galudgód - the act of dragging and beating a mat on the floor.; dragging; beating; cleaning; more...
21.) kinát - [noun] palpitation; quick heartbeat; anxiety; worry; fear; [adjective] beating more...
22.) sugor - sailing against the wind; tacking; beating; close-hauled sailing; more...
23.) pagkabóg - [noun] beating more...
24.) tugâ - the act of beating a person to make them confess; beating; interrogation; coercion; more...
25.) sungsóng - the act of sailing or moving against the wind or waves; tacking; beating; sailing upwind; more...
26.) bugabóg - [noun] hit; beating; pounding; [adjective] hurt from being beat more...
27.) panagál - sailing in the sea against the wind; tacking; beating; sailing upwind; more...
28.) pasát - the act of beating or inflicting pain on someone else; beating; assault; abuse; battering; more...
29.) hilabó - the act of hitting a dog that barked excessively; beating; striking; more...
31.) matalo - [verb] to beat someone / to defeat someone (OF); to be beaten / to be losing / to be defeated (AF); Example Sentences Available Icon18 Example Sentences Available » more...
32.) bugbugín - [verb] to beat someone/something; to beat up someone/something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
33.) paluin - [verb] to spank someone; to beat someone/something; to hit someone/something; to whip someone/something; to strike someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
34.) hampasín - [verb] to whack something; to smack something; to swat something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
35.) batihín - [verb] to beat something (e.g., eggs); to mix something thoroughly Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
36.) taluhin - [verb] to defeat someone/something; to beat someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon20 Example Sentences Available » more...
37.) tumalo - [verb] to defeat; to beat Example Sentences Available Icon9 Example Sentences Available » more...
38.) puma - [verb] to spank; to whip; to hit; to beat; to flog more...
39.) talunin - [verb] to defeat someone/something; to beat something/someone Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
40.) pukpukín - [verb] to hammer something; to bang something; to beat something; to pound something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
41.) magbatí - 1.) [verb] to beat; 2.) [verb] to masturbate (slang) more...
42.) kabóg - [noun] beat; thump; pounding; more...
43.) tumibók - [verb] to beat; to pulsate; to throb more...
44.) magpatibók - [verb] to beat; to throb; to make something beat more...
45.) latayan - [verb] to wale on something/someone; to beat something/someone more...
46.) upakan - [verb] to beat or attack someone/something; to be beaten or hit more...
47.) pumintíg - [verb] to throb; to pulsate; to beat more...
48.) dumá - [verb] to spank someone; to beat someone/something; to hit someone/something; to whip someone/something; to strike someone/something more...
49.) bumastón - [verb] to beat with a stick or cane (baston) more...
50.) kumabóg - [verb] to beat (thump); to thump more...
51.) bumugbóg - [verb] to beat up; to batter more...
52.) manghampás - [verb] to swat; to hit more...
53.) bastunín - [verb] to beat; to beat up; to beat with a stick more...
54.) batutain - [verb] to beat something/someone with a billy club more...
55.) kumpasán - [verb] to beat; to thump more...
56.) lumatay - [verb] to wale; to beat more...

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