
Beautiful in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word beautiful.

The English word "beautiful" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word beautiful in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. magandá   1.) [adjective] beautiful; pretty; good in appearance of quality; lovely; cute; 2.) [adjective] good; nice; Example Sentences Available Icon34 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. marikít   [adjective] gorgeous; magnificent; exquisite; beautiful Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...

More matches for "beautiful" in Tagalog:

1.) gumandá - [verb] to become beautiful; to become pretty; to get better; to be good Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) pínakamagandá - [adjective] prettiest; the most beautiful; the best Example Sentences Available Icon3 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) nápakagandá - [adjective] very beautiful; very attractive; good-looking; magnificent Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
4.) pagandahín - [verb] to make something beautiful; to beautify something; to make something better more...
5.) magpagandá - [verb] to make beautiful; to embellish more...
6.) pampagandá - to make more beautiful; to make better Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
7.) gandá-gandá - [adjective] very beautiful; very good more...
8.) hermosa - beautiful; attractive; pretty; lovely; charming; more...
9.) kaákit-akit - [adjective] attractive; alluring; enchanting; beautiful; fancy more...
10.) bapá - an exclamation or statement of admiration for things that are beautiful or impressive; wow; amazing; astonishing; impressive; beautiful; more...
11.) estétikó - related to aesthetics; pertaining to the perception, appreciation, or criticism of beauty or art; aesthetic; artistic; beautiful; more...
12.) mainam - [adjective] good and appropriate; fine; prudent Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...

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