
Beginning in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word beginning.

The English word "beginning" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word beginning in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. simulâ   [noun] beginning; start; origin; opening; [preposition] starting from; beginning at; (often the abbreviated form "mula" is used as the preposition instead) Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. orihen   origin; source; beginning; root; more...

More matches for "beginning" in Tagalog:

2.) bungad - [noun] began; front; beginning more...
3.) panimulâ - [adjective] introductory; initial; startup; introduced; elementary; [noun] introduction; intro; beginning; starter; more...
4.) pinágbuhatan - origin; source; root; beginning; foundation; more...
5.) gapó - [noun] beginning; start; origin; opening; [preposition] starting from; beginning at; (often the abbreviated form "mula" is used as the preposition instead) more...
6.) lúwasá - [noun] beginning; start; origin; opening; [preposition] starting from; beginning at; (often the abbreviated form "mula" is used as the preposition instead) more...
7.) arangke - beginning; place of commencement; start; origin; commencement; more...
8.) dangháy - beginning or start of an activity; commencement; beginning; start; inception; outset; more...
9.) eksórdiyó - [noun] introduction; intro; beginning; starter; [adjective] introductory; introduced; elementary; more...
10.) manibát - [noun] beginning; start; origin; opening; [preposition] starting from; beginning at; (often the abbreviated form "mula" is used as the preposition instead) more...
11.) umpís - variant of impis; start; beginning; commencement; more...
12.) mulanbuwát - the origin or foundation of anything; beginning; basis; foundation; origin; more...
13.) magsimulâ - [verb] to start; to begin; to commence; to launch; to embark Example Sentences Available Icon16 Example Sentences Available » more...
14.) simulán - [verb] to begin something; to embark on something; to enter upon something Example Sentences Available Icon7 Example Sentences Available » more...
15.) mag-umpisá - [verb] to begin; to start Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
16.) umpisahán - [verb] to begin something; to start something; to introduce something more...
17.) makapagsimulâ - [verb] to be able to start; to be able to begin more...
18.) maumpisahán - [verb] to be able to begin something; to be able to start something; to be able to introduce something more...

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