
Blind in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word blind.

The English word "blind" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word blind in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. bulagin   [verb] to blind someone; to make someone blind more...

More matches for "blind" in Tagalog:

1.) mabulag - [verb] to become blind; to blind more...
2.) butá - blind; unable to see; sightless; visionless; unsighted; more...
3.) lipata - blind; a type of tree (excoecaria agallocha) that grows up to 8 meters, thrives in saltwater, and has poisonous sap; mangrove; poisonous tree; excoecaria agallocha; more...
4.) waláng paningín - [adjective] blind; without sight more...
5.) bumulag - [verb] to become blind; to blind more...
6.) pisák - 1.) [adjective] blind in one or both eyes; punched in they eye; 2.) [adjective] crushed; broken more...
7.) lipátang-buháy - blind; sightless; lacking substance or solidity; | blind; totally blind; a tree species (excoecaria agallocha) that grows up to 8 m tall, thrives in saline water, and has poisonous sap; insubstantial; milky mangrove; more...
8.) matáng-pílakin - [adjective] blind more...

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