
Chase in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word chase.

The English word "chase" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word chase in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. humabol   [verb] to run after; to chase after; to pursue; to catch something before it is done or gone; to catch up to Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. itabóy   [verb] to drive something/someone away; to repel something; to chase something/someone away; to push something/someone away; to turn someone away (reject someone) more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tumugis   [verb] to pursue; to chase; to run after more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. humagad   [verb] to chase; to run after more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tugis   [noun] pursuit; pursuing; going after; running after; chase more...

More matches for "chase" in Tagalog:

1.) habulin - [verb] to run after something/someone; to follow behind someone; to chase after something/someone; to go after (chase) someone; to hound; to hunt; to pursue Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) maghaból - [verb] to make an appeal (eg, in court); to catch up on; to chase more...
3.) mahabol - [verb] to chase after someone/something more...
4.) habulán - [noun] chase; chasing incident; the game of chase more...
5.) tugisin - [verb] to pursue someone/something; to chase someone/something more...
6.) paghabol - [noun] chase; chasing; pursuit; hurrying in order to overtake more...
7.) maitabóy - [verb] to be able to drive something/someone away; to be able to chase something/someone away more...
8.) pagat - chase; the act of pursuing someone running away or escaping in order to catch them; traffic police officer, often riding a motorcycle or car; the act of adding anything to what is being measured; request or demand; challenge or act of challenging; pursuit; traffic officer; addition; request; challenge; more...
9.) kunyás - in printing, a chase or pair of chases to make the typeface flat or level.; chase; printing chase; more...
10.) hagarán - [noun] chase; chasing incident; the game of chase more...
11.) hagad - [noun] chasing; chaser; the act of chasing after someone who is running or escaping; chase; pursuit; more...

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