

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word iiyak.
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The Tagalog word íiyák is the Filipino verb umiyak » conjugated in the Contemplated aspect ( future tense )

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[verb] to cry

Verb conjugations of umiyak:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: iyakConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
umiyák  Play audio #7234
Completed (Past):
umiyák  Play audio #7234
Uncompleted (Present):
umíiyák  Play audio #19874
Contemplated (Future):
íiyák  Play audio #19875
Iiyak Example Sentences in Tagalog: (17)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Umíiyák si Eliza.
Play audio #41585Audio Loop
Eliza is crying.
Umíiyák ang ba.
Play audio #36134Audio Loop
The child is crying.
Umiyák siyá.
Play audio #41584Audio Loop
She cried.
Bakit ka umíiyák?
Play audio #35640 Play audio #35641Audio Loop
Why are you crying?
Huwág kang íiyák.
Play audio #38104Audio Loop
Don't you dare cry.
Huwág kang umiyák.
Play audio #36688Audio Loop
Don't cry.
Malapit na akóng umiyák.
Play audio #37616Audio Loop
I'm just about to cry.
Si Joni ay madalîng umiyák.
Play audio #33253 Play audio #33254Audio Loop
Joni cries easily.
Umiyák akó nang sakalín niyá akó.
Play audio #28748 Play audio #28749Audio Loop
I cried when he strangled me.
Iká ng lalaki, "Huwág kang umiyák."
Play audio #37262Audio Loop
The man said, "Don't cry."
Íiyák ka na naman ba
Play audio #33770 Play audio #33771Audio Loop
Are you going to start crying again?
Kinargá ng iná ang umíiyák na sanggól.
Play audio #36803Audio Loop
The mother carried the crying baby / infant.
Hindî umiyák ang bagong silang na sanggól.
Play audio #37123Audio Loop
The newborn baby didn't cry.
Umiyák siyá nang mapuntá sa kampo ng sápilitáng pagtátrabaho.
Play audio #36008Audio Loop
She cried when she was wound up at a forced labor camp.
Umiyák ang mga deboto ng itím na Nazareno na dumaló sa prusisyón.
Play audio #48190Audio Loop
The devotees of the black Nazarene who attended the procession cried.
May nadídiníg / naririníg akóng umíiyák.
Play audio #38103Audio Loop
I hear someone crying.
Huwág ka nang umiyák. Para 'yun lang.
Play audio #38102Audio Loop
Stop crying. It's not worth it.

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