

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word inimbitahan.
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The Tagalog word inimbitahán is the Filipino verb imbitahan » conjugated in the Completed aspect ( past tense )

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[verb] to invite someone

Verb conjugations of imbitahan:

Object Focus Icon
Root: imbitaConjugation Type: -An
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
imbitahán  Play audio #39061
Completed (Past):
inimbitahán  Play audio #39060
Uncompleted (Present):
iníimbitahán  Play audio #39062
Contemplated (Future):
íimbitahán  Play audio #39063
Inimbitahan Example Sentences in Tagalog: (6)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Inimbitahán nilá akóng magíng hurado sa patímpalák.
Play audio #33613 Play audio #33614Audio Loop
They invited me to be a juror (judge) in a contest.
Inimbitahán nilá akóng magíng hurado sa patímpalák.
Play audio #33613 Play audio #33614Audio Loop
They invited me to be a juror (judge) in a contest.
Hindî ko alám na inimbitahán akó ni Lanie.
Play audio #37205Audio Loop
I didn't know Lanie invited me.
Inimbitahán ka ba nilá?
Play audio #36769Audio Loop
Did they invite you?
Inimbitahán kong maglarô ng básketból si Jake.
Play audio #34583 Play audio #34584Audio Loop
I invited Jake to play basketball.
Inimbitahán ko siyá sa handaan.
Play audio #29116 Play audio #29118Audio Loop
I invited her to the party.
More example sentences for this verb

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