
Cover in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word cover.

The English word "cover" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word cover in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. suklób   [noun] covering; cover; casing; cap more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pabalát   [noun] cover; binding more...

More matches for "cover" in Tagalog:

1.) kayán - [noun] a shelter or canopy, usually made of nipa, especially on boats or barges; canopy; shelter; awning; cover; more...
2.) takpán - [verb] to cover something; to cover something up; to put a lid on something Example Sentences Available Icon7 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) balutin - [verb] to wrap something; to wrap something up; to cover something; to blanket something; to drape something; to encase something more...
4.) matakpán - [verb] to cover something (OF); to be covered (AF) more...
5.) pahiran - [verb] to coat something; to cover something; to apply on something; to wipe on somewhere Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
6.) ibalot - [verb] to wrap something; to cover something more...
8.) pagtakpán - [verb] to cover up; to whitewash more...
9.) nakatakíp - [noun] something acting as a lid; [adjective] covered; covered by a lid more...
10.) balutan - [verb] to cover something; to enshroud something more...
11.) pambalot - [noun] covering; wrapping; something used to cover or wrap something more...
12.) batbatin - [verb] to match something; to cover something; to be capable of something more...
13.) pantakíp - [noun] cover; covering; cap; cover more...
14.) mapagtakpán - [verb] to be able to cover something up more...
15.) sukob - [noun] shelter; cover; huddling together; seeking refuge together more...
16.) sumakláw - [verb] to cover; to include; to contain more...
17.) umpâ - covering the eyes with the hands; blindfold; cover; more...
18.) tumakíp - [verb] to cover; to block more...
19.) kulumát - a cover or tarpaulin for cargo on the deck of a ship; tarpaulin; cover; canvas; more...
20.) kulambuan - [verb] to cover (someone) with a mosquito net more...
21.) salakoban - a tube with covered holes; cover; shield; protector; more...
22.) yapáw - the act of placing or laying one's body on top of another; to overlay; overlay; superimpose; cover; more...
23.) gagnan - a rough and blue blanket that was used in the past by the sangley.; blanket; cover; more...
24.) saguran - an apparatus woven from buri used as a cover for things; cover; mat; placemat; lid; covering; more...
25.) baldukín - canopy; temporary shelter; awning; cover; shade; more...
26.) hapáw - a cover placed over rice being cooked; lid; cover; more...
27.) bighâ - cloud that covers the sun or moon; veil; cover; shroud; obscure; more...
28.) taklob - cover or something used to cover; lid; cover; cap; more...
29.) takob - a cover on the surface; a thin cover.; lid; cap; cover; overlay; top; more...
30.) liwar - concealment; hiding; cover; obscuration; more...
31.) tagnóng - shelter for animals or plants; shelter; refuge; haven; sanctuary; cover; more...
32.) usmani - a type of blanket; blanket; cover; quilt; throw; more...
33.) tapadera - [noun] cover; lid; cap more...
34.) kolomát - a cover for a ship; tarpaulin; canvas; cover; awning; more...
35.) landóng - a piece of fabric used as a veil or cover for a bed or flag; veil; cover; drapery; cloak; more...
36.) takluban - [verb] to cover something/somewhere more...
37.) bestidura - a canvas or tarpaulin attached around the carriage and used as a cover when it rains; cover; tarp; awning; canopy; more...
38.) pinagbalutan - [noun] wrapper; thing used to cover something more...
39.) ipasak - [verb] to cover a hole with; to use something to stuff into more...
40.) itakíp - [verb] to use something to cover; to use something as a cover Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
41.) itaklób - [verb] to use for a cover over something more...
42.) panaklób - [noun] cover; covering more...
43.) kaluban - [noun] sheath; scabbard; cover more...
44.) liim - hiding behind an object to avoid being seen by others; concealment; cover; seclusion; hiding; more...
45.) liin - the act of hiding behind something so as not to be seen by others; low-lying ground that becomes invisible from a distance; the covering of the sky by clouds or becoming cloudy; concealment; cover; hiding; cloudiness; obscurity; more...
46.) íntegumento - [noun] cover; binding more...
47.) kayompatá - a type of blanket originating from borneo; blanket; cover; quilt; throw; more...
48.) tampíl - a shield against the heat of the sun or wind; shade; screen; cover; protection; more...
49.) silap - a light covering; a protective overlay; shroud; veil; cover; more...
50.) tambubong - temporary cover for a cart; canopy; awning; cover; more...
51.) ilihán - a cover or shelter against wind or rain; shelter; cover; refuge; haven; sanctuary; more...
52.) bagabay - a blanket made out of cotton and used as a cover; blanket; cover; quilt; more...
53.) rústiká - a type of paper that binds a book; binding; bookbinding; cover; more...
54.) langít-langitan - a temporary awning or shelter, usually made of cloth; awning; canopy; tent; cover; shelter; more...
55.) handóng - temporary shade from the intense sunlight; shade; cover; protection from the sun; more...
56.) patós - envelope; cover; wrapper; covering; more...
57.) tampák - a cover against rain or sun; shade; shelter; cover; awning; canopy; more...

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