
Destroyed in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word destroyed.

The English word "destroyed" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word destroyed in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. sumi   [verb] to destroy; to break; to harm; to damage; to spoil; to botch Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...

More matches for "destroyed" in Tagalog:

1.) wasák - [adjective] destroyed; ripped open; ruined Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
2.) mawasak - [verb] to get destroyed; to fall apart; to be shattered Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
3.) napinsa - [adjective] damaged; harmed; destroyed; injured more...
4.) mapuksâ - [verb] to be destroyed; to be annihilated; more...
5.) gu - [noun] ruins; destroyed; landslide; rubble Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
6.) warakin - [verb] to destroy something (OF); to get destroyed (AF) more...
7.) wagáy - [adjective] destroyed; ripped open; ruined more...
8.) mawarak - [verb] to be destroyed more...
9.) punggít - demolished or ruined, due to wind, storm, or earthquake; destroyed; ruined; demolished; collapsed; more...
10.) nuksâ - crushed, destroyed; crushed; destroyed; annihilated; ruined; more...
11.) lugsô - pertaining to anything that has fallen or collapsed due to a weak structure; collapsed; crumbled; fallen; destroyed; more...
12.) lasák - rotten; destroyed; decayed; corroded; deteriorated; ruined; more...
13.) bunlág - [noun] ruins; destroyed; landslide; rubble more...
14.) pagwawasak - [adjective] destroyed; ripped open; ruined more...
15.) walát - [adjective] destroyed; ripped open more...
16.) impas - liquidated; paid off; settled; eliminated; destroyed; cleared; paid; more...
17.) pilapís - damaged by a storm, flood, or strong wind, such as in plantations or crops; ravaged; devastated; damaged; destroyed; wrecked; more...
18.) sirain - [verb] to damage something; to destroy something; to break something; to ruin something Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
19.) mani - [verb] to defame; to slander; to destroy more...
20.) wasakin - [verb] to destroy something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
21.) puksaín - [verb] to destroy something; to annihilate something; to massacre something; to eradicate something; to exterminate something more...
22.) gibâ - [adjective] torn down; demolished; wrecked; pulled down; dismantled more...
24.) gunawin - [verb] to devastate something/someone; to destroy something more...

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