
Division in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word division.

The English word "division" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word division in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. ha   [noun] division; apportion more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pagbabahagi   [noun] sharing; partition; division more...

More matches for "division" in Tagalog:

1.) dibisyón - [noun] division; unit of an organization more...
2.) pangkát - [noun] group; section; division; band; chapter; article; faction; gang; segment; clique; cohort; team Example Sentences Available Icon3 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) so - division or distribution; division; distribution; partition; allocation; more...
4.) paghaháti-ha - [noun] the action of dividing something for three or more sides; division; partition; segmentation; subdivision; apportionment; more...
5.) biyák - [noun] split; cleavage; division [adjective] split; divided more...
6.) tungór - the act of giving each one their fair share in a division or distribution; allotment; apportionment; distribution; allocation; division; more...
7.) demarkasyón - a line or mark that establishes a separation; boundary; border; demarcation; division; separation; more...
8.) walas - division or distribution of inheritance; partition; distribution; allocation; division; more...
9.) esisyón - the act of grouping or dividing due to beliefs, religion, and similar causes.; division; schism; sectarianism; more...
10.) pamahagi - a numerical term used to describe something that is being divided or distributed, affixed with 'ika-' and 'ka-', which also originates from 'ika-'; distribution; division; allocation; apportionment; more...
11.) dibisorya - boundary; line or area that divides; division; border; boundary line; dividing line; more...
12.) kortadura - cut; severance; incision; division; more...
13.) sisma - schism; the act of dividing or splitting due to beliefs, religion, and the like; any of the groups or sects that form due to differences in beliefs; a sin or transgression that causes the division of members of a church or congregation; split; division; sect; faction; more...
14.) tumba - the act of dividing or partitioning evenly; division; partition; allocation; apportionment; distribution; more...
15.) pakultád - variant of faculty; a division within a university; faculty; department; college; division; school; more...
16.) segmento - [noun] segment; a part; a section between two points; one of a series of similar anatomical units of the body and its appendages, as seen in worms; section; part; division; portion; subsection; more...
17.) saak - [noun] split; cleavage; division [adjective] split; divided more...
18.) wahíl - partitioning of inherited properties; division; distribution; apportionment; more...
19.) kalapáng - a part or branch of anything; part; branch; segment; division; section; more...

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