
Dying in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word dying.

The English word "dying" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) yao - [noun] leaving; dying more...
2.) pátawirin - [adjective] dying; literally "snatching life" more...
3.) pagyao - [noun] passing away; death; dying; departing; more...
4.) ágaw-buhay - [adjective] dying; literally "snatching life" more...
5.) líbunlibon - gasping for breath; on the verge of death; dying; expiring; moribund; in extremis; more...
6.) pamamaya - [noun] dying; passing away more...
7.) mamatáy - [verb] to die; to be dead Example Sentences Available Icon25 Example Sentences Available » more...
8.) pumanaw - [verb] to depart; to die; to disappear Example Sentences Available Icon6 Example Sentences Available » more...
9.) masawî - [verb] to meet with misfortune; to die Example Sentences Available Icon8 Example Sentences Available » more...
10.) yumao - [verb] to pass away; to die; to depart Example Sentences Available Icon14 Example Sentences Available » more...
11.) maghingaló - [verb] to be in a declining state; to be in poor shape; to be fading away (in health) more...
12.) mabuwál - [verb] to fall over; to topple; to fall down; to fall dead (figurative); to collapse more...
13.) sumakabilang-buhay - [verb] to die; to go on to the other life; to cross over to the other side more...
14.) matsu - [verb] to die; to be evicted more...
15.) matepok - [verb] to die more...
16.) malagután ng hiningá - [verb] to die; * literally to have one's breath cut off more...
17.) bawian ng buhay - [verb] die (literally: to have one's life taken); deprive of life more...

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