

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word gamitan in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word gamitan:

gamitan  Play audio #23846
[verb] to use something for something/somewhere; to apply something somewhere / on something

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Verb conjugations of gamitan:

Root: gamitConjugation Type: -An
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
gamitan  Play audio #23846
Completed (Past):
ginamitan  Play audio #23847
Uncompleted (Present):
ginágamitan  Play audio #23848
Contemplated (Future):
gágamitan  Play audio #23849
Verb family:
gamitin  |  
gumamit  |  
magamit  |  
magpagamit  |  
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Dapat mong gamitan ng utak ang pakikipag-usap mo sa kaniyá.
Play audio #45062Audio Loop
You should use your brain when you talk to him.
Gamitan mo ng lóhiká ang sagót mo.
Play audio #45242Audio Loop
Use logic in your answer.
Ginamitan ko ng asín ang sinigáng.
Play audio #45239Audio Loop
I used salt in the sinigang.
Ginamitan ng mga marikít na salitâ ang awit.
Play audio #45064Audio Loop
The song contained beautiful words.
Ginamitan ng teknolohiya ang pagtatanghál nilá.
Play audio #45240Audio Loop
Their performance used technology.
Ano-anóng mga pagkain ang ginágamitan ng patís?
Play audio #45241Audio Loop
What dishes need fish sauce?
Hindî ko siyá gágamitan ng lakás o pananakot.
Play audio #45063Audio Loop
I won't use force or intimidation on him.
Gamitan mo ng guntíng para mas madalî siyáng putulin.
Play audio #37975Audio Loop
Use scissors to make it easier to cut.
Ginágamitan ko ng puwersa ang pintô para siyá mabuksán.
Play audio #45065Audio Loop
I am applying force on the door to open it.

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How to pronounce gamitan:

Play audio #23846
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
gamitgamítgamitinmagamitpaggamitkagamitángumamitmagagamitgamít na gamítipagamit
Related English Words:
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