

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word gayon in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word gayon:

gayón  Play audio #8299
[pronoun] such; like that; is it that; considering; meanwhile; that way; of that kind; even though; whereas; although; given that

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Mabuting magíng gayón pamínsan-minsan.
Play audio #41173Audio Loop
It's good to be like that sometimes.
Hindî ko akalain ang aking sarili na gayón noón.
Play audio #41175Audio Loop
I had never thought of myself like that before.
Gayón ang sulat ng babaeng propesór.
Play audio #41174Audio Loop
Such is the female professor's letter.
Paano mo naáabót ang bunga gayóng napakataás ng pu?
Play audio #37906Audio Loop
How do you reach the fruit when it's so high up in the tree?

User-submitted Example Sentences (1):
User-submitted example sentences from Tatoeba who have self reported as being fluent in Tagalog.
Tatoeba SentenceNotice: The Tatoeba sentences are from and are provided under the CC BY 2.0 FR creative commons license. Some of the Tatoeba sentences are also under CC0 1.0. See their website for more details. This only applies to Tatoeba sentences and not the other sentences on All other sentences are © copyright protected by
Alternate spelling(s):
gayun, gayo
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce gayon:

Play audio #8299
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
gayundíngayón mangayón dinmagkágayónpagkakagayonpagkagayonikapagkagayon
Related English Words:
even thoughwhereasis it thatalthoughsuchgiven thatconsideringlike thatthat waythat kindof that kindmeanwhile
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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