

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word iabot in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word iabot:

iabót  Play audio #9779
[verb] to hand something over; to hand something to; to pass something;
*Note: focus on the thing being handed/passed; to reach for something

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Verb conjugations of iabot:

Object Focus Icon
Root: abotConjugation Type: I-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
iabót  Play audio #9779
Completed (Past):
iniabót  Play audio #24269
Uncompleted (Present):
iniáabót  Play audio #24270
Contemplated (Future):
iáabót  Play audio #24271
Verb family:
umabot  |  
umabót  |  
abutin  |  
abutín  |  
abután  |  
maabót  |  
mag-abót  |  
makaabot  |  
makaabót  |  
ipaabot  |  
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Iniabót ni Jane kay Mark ang t-shirt.
Play audio #29569 Play audio #29570Audio Loop
Jane handed the t-shirt to Mark.
Iniabót ng ba sa nanay ang asín.
Play audio #29571 Play audio #29572Audio Loop
The child passed the salt to the mother.
Iabót mo ang tubig.
Play audio #29573 Play audio #29574Audio Loop
Pass the water.
Iabót mo sa akin ang mansanas.
Play audio #29575 Play audio #29576Audio Loop
Hand the apple to me.

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How to pronounce iabot:

Play audio #9779
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
reachreach forreachesreachedpasspassespassedpassinghand tohamds tohanded tohamding tohand overhands overhanding overpasspassespassedpassingpass over
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