

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word maapula in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word maapula:

maapulá  Play audio #42198
[verb] to supress something
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Object Focus
; to be supressed
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Actor Focus
; to be stopped; to be checked (stopped/slowed); to dissipate
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Verb conjugations of maapula:

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Actor   /
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Root: apulaConjugation Type: Ma-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
maapulá  Play audio #42198
Completed (Past):
naapulá  Play audio #42199
Uncompleted (Present):
naaapulá  Play audio #42200
Contemplated (Future):
maaapulá  Play audio #42201
Verb family:
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Gumamit ng mga pamatáy sunog upang maapu ang apóy.
Play audio #34116 Play audio #34117Audio Loop
Use fire extinguishers to put out the flame.
Waláng saysáy na maapu ang masidhíng damdamin ni Lily.
Play audio #49712Audio Loop
It is futile to suppress Lily's intense emotion.
Kailangan nating maapu ang sakít bago pa itó lumalâ.
Play audio #49715Audio Loop
We need to suppress the disease before it worsens.
Naapu na ang sunog bago pa man dumatíng ang mga bumbero.
Play audio #49708Audio Loop
The fire was already extinguished even before the firefighters arrived.
Kailán naapu ang interés ni Donna sa pananahî?
Play audio #49707Audio Loop
When did Donna's interest on sewing dissipate?
Hindî ko kaagád naapu ang galit ko kay Ben.
Play audio #49713Audio Loop
I was not able to immediately arrest my anger towards Ben.
Naaapu ng kaalamán ang kamángmangán.
Play audio #49714Audio Loop
Knowledge arrests ignorance.
Naaapu ang kapílyuhán ng ba kapág kinagágalitan siyá.
Play audio #49706Audio Loop
The child's mischief is stopped when he is scolded.
Naaapu ang kagustuhan kong tumulong kapág kapós akó.
Play audio #34850 Play audio #34851Audio Loop
My desire to help is extinguished when I am broke.
Maaapu kayâ nilá ang sunog?
Play audio #49711Audio Loop
Can they put out the fire?

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How to pronounce maapula:

Play audio #42198
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
apumaapulá ang apoyapulainpag-apulá
Related English Words:
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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