

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word makabawi in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word makabawi:

makaba  Play audio #24612
[verb] to recover; to be able to recover

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Verb conjugations of makabawi:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: bawiConjugation Type: Maka-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
makaba  Play audio #24612
Completed (Past):
nakaba  Play audio #24613
Uncompleted (Present):
nakákaba  Play audio #24614
Contemplated (Future):
makákaba  Play audio #24615
Verb family:
buma  |  
bawiin  |  
maba  |  
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Posible sa ating makaba kahit na sa pinakamalungkot na karanasán.
Play audio #46211Audio Loop
It is possible for us to recover from even the saddest experience.
Nagbakasyón si Amy ng iláng araw para makaba sa kaniyáng pagpápahingá.
Play audio #46201Audio Loop
Amy took a few days off to catch up on her rest.
Naníniwa ang iláng dalubha na maaaríng hindî na makaba ang Amazon.
Play audio #46207Audio Loop
Some experts believe that the Amazon may never recover.
Nagpahingá si Dulce at pinagmasdán ang tanawin para makaba ng lakás.
Play audio #38815Audio Loop
Dulce took a short break to enjoy the view and regain her energy.
Nagsisikap ang kompanyá na makaba sa pagkalugi sa benta.
Play audio #46212Audio Loop
The company is trying to make up for lost sales.
Nagsimuláng makaba ang ekonomiya noóng nakaraáng taón.
Play audio #46206Audio Loop
The economy started to recover last year.
Pinabíbilís ba nitó na makaba ang atleta?
Play audio #46203Audio Loop
Does it speed up the athlete's recovery?
Mangángailangan ng mahabang panahón bago makaba sa pagnanais niyáng mabuhay.
Play audio #46200Audio Loop
It may take a long time before she recovers her desire to live.
Madalî siyáng nakaba mulâ sa pagkabigo.
Play audio #46216Audio Loop
She recovered quickly from setbacks.
Nakaba ang Pilipinas makalipas ang iláng dekada.
Play audio #46213Audio Loop
The Philippines has recovered in the ensuing decades.
Alternate spelling(s):
nakababawi, makababawi
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce makabawi:

Play audio #24612
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
babumabawiinmababawianbawian ng buhaypagbapambamambabawipagkaba
Related English Words:
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