

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word manggagawa in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word manggagawa:

manggaga  Play audio #3912
[noun] worker; laborer

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Root: gawa
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Silá ang mga manggagawang pamúmunuan mo balang araw.
Play audio #34168 Play audio #34169Audio Loop
They are the workers whom you'll lead one day.
Kákatawanín ni Mang Gelas ang mga uríng manggaga.
Play audio #36068Audio Loop
Mang Gelas will represent the working class.
Patuloy na nanlálabán ang mga manggaga.
Play audio #44590Audio Loop
The workers keep on resisting.
Dalawáng manggaga ang nasugatan nang mabagsakan ng padér.
Play audio #34618 Play audio #34619Audio Loop
Two workers were injured by the collapsing wall.
Ang mga manggagawang nagwewelga ang madalás na sinísibák.
Play audio #37746Audio Loop
Those laborers who go on strike are often the ones being terminated.
Nagpasyá ang mga manggaga na ipagpápatuloy nilá ang welga.
Play audio #46247Audio Loop
The workers decided that they will continue to hold a strike.
Kailangang itatág ang unyón ng mga manggaga.
Play audio #48779Audio Loop
The workers' union needs to be established.
Kailán nilá oorganisahín ang unyón ng mga manggaga?
Play audio #37730Audio Loop
When will they organize the workers' union?
Dapat itatág ang bagong ahénsiyá para sa mga manggaga sa ibayong dagat.
Play audio #48786Audio Loop
They should establish a new agency for overseas workers.
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Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce manggagawa:

Play audio #3912
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