

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mapahamak in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mapahamak:

mapahamak  Play audio #11105
[verb] to be in danger; to suffer from an unfortunate incident; to be endangered

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Verb conjugations of mapahamak:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: hamakConjugation Type: Mapa-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mapahamak  Play audio #11105
Completed (Past):
napahamak  Play audio #24786
Uncompleted (Present):
napápahamak  Play audio #24787
Contemplated (Future):
mapápahamak  Play audio #24788
Verb family:
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Dito ka lang kung ayaw mong mapahamak.
Play audio #48462Audio Loop
Stay here if you don't want to be in danger.
Napahamak si Romina nang magsínungalíng si Daniela tungkól sa kaniyá.
Play audio #48466Audio Loop
Romina was in danger when Daniela told a lie about her.
Madalás na napápahamak ang mga taong masyadong mausi.
Play audio #48468Audio Loop
People who are too curious often get in danger.
Mapápahamak ang buhay niyá kung magsúsumbóng ka.
Play audio #48467Audio Loop
His life will be in danger if you rat him out.
Mapápahamak ka kung lálabás kang mag-isá ngayóng gabí.
Play audio #33314 Play audio #33315Audio Loop
You will be in danger if you go out alone tonight.

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How to pronounce mapahamak:

Play audio #11105
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
endangeredendangerbe endangeredunfortunateaccidentincidentin dangerbe in danger
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