

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mapatunayan in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mapatunayan:

mapatunayan  Play audio #38212
[verb] to be able to prove something; to be able to testify to something; to be able to verify something; to be able to corroborate something

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Verb conjugations of mapatunayan:

Object Focus Icon
Root: tunayConjugation Type: Ma- -An
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mapatunayan  Play audio #38212
Completed (Past):
napatunayan  Play audio #38213
Uncompleted (Present):
napatutunayan  Play audio #38214
Contemplated (Future):
mapatutunayan  Play audio #38215
Verb family:
patunayan  |  
magpatunay  |  
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Nalungkót akó nang mapatunayang nagkasala siyá.
Play audio #30616 Play audio #30617Audio Loop
I felt sad when he was proven guilty.
Dapat mapatunayang epektibo ang gamót.
Play audio #36447Audio Loop
It should be proven that the medicine is effective.
Tinangkâ kong mapatunayan na nanalo akó.
Play audio #30620 Play audio #30621Audio Loop
I attempted to prove that I won.
Napatunayan ng empleyado ang halagá niyá sa kompanyá.
Play audio #37273Audio Loop
The employee had proven his value in the company.
May napatunayan siyáng mabisáng paraán ng pagsasaulo.
Play audio #37526Audio Loop
He proved an effective way of memorizing.
Hindî napatunayang sangkót siyá sa eskándalo.
Play audio #36821Audio Loop
It was not proven that he was involved in the scandal.
Walâ pa siyáng napapatunayan sa kaniyáng karera.
Play audio #30614 Play audio #30615Audio Loop
He has not proven anything in his career.
Napatunayan ba ni Fernan ang katapatan niyá?
Play audio #38076Audio Loop
Did Fernan prove his loyalty?
Napatunayan kong totoó ang sinasabi ni Laura.
Play audio #37684Audio Loop
I was able to verify that Laura was telling the truth.
Napatunayang nagkasala ang lalaki sa pagnanakaw.
Play audio #30622 Play audio #30623Audio Loop
The man was proven guilty for theft.
Alternate spelling(s):
mapapatunayan, napapatunayan
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce mapatunayan:

Play audio #38212
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
tunaykatunayanpatunayanpatunaymagpatunaysa katunayanpagpápatunayhindi tunaymakapagpatunaydimakatunay
Related English Words:
proveprovesprovedprovingable to provetestifyverifyverifiesverifiedverifyingcorroborateable to corroborateable to verify
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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