
Mixed in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word mixed.

The English word "mixed" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word mixed in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. lahukán   [verb] to add into; to mix more...

More matches for "mixed" in Tagalog:

1.) baluktót - [noun] bent; curl in thread, rope, string; curve; [adjective] bent; coiled; distorted; mixed up; in a wrong order; askew more...
2.) nakaha - [adjective] mixed; mixed together more...
3.) magkaha - [verb] to mix; to have mixed; to blend more...
4.) balungkawít - [noun] bent; curl in thread, rope, string; curve; [adjective] bent; coiled; distorted; mixed up; in a wrong order; askew more...
5.) tampilaw - [noun] bent; curl in thread, rope, string; curve; [adjective] bent; coiled; distorted; mixed up; in a wrong order; askew more...
6.) halungtiyáng - mixed; mingled in a disorderly or confused manner.; jumbled; disordered; muddled; confused; more...
7.) impuro - not pure; mixed or adulterated; mixed; adulterated; contaminated; diluted; tainted; more...
8.) kawót - [noun] bent; curl in thread, rope, string; curve; [adjective] bent; coiled; distorted; mixed up; in a wrong order; askew more...
9.) haluan - [verb] to mix with something; to add to something more...
10.) haluin - [verb] to mix something; to stir something Example Sentences Available Icon8 Example Sentences Available » more...
11.) iha - [verb] to mix something more...
12.) magtimplá - 1.) [verb] to mix; to blend; 2.) [verb] to make a drink (e.g., coffee or tea); to brew more...
13.) paghaluin - [verb] to mix something together more...
14.) magha - [verb] to mix; to combine; to blend; to blend in more...
15.) huma - [verb] to mix more...
16.) makilahók - [verb] to participate (join in); to mingle; to mix together more...
17.) hálu-ha - [adjective] motley; assortment more...

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