

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word patakaran in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word patakaran:

pátakarán  Play audio #11800
[noun] rules; policy; policies; principle; moral guideline; fundamental rule

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Dapat súsunód ka sa pátakarán ng iyóng páaralán.
Play audio #27561 Play audio #27562Audio Loop
You should conform to the policies of your school.
Maraming umaangal sa bagong pátakarán.
Play audio #47617Audio Loop
Many are grumbling about the new regulation.
Determinado akóng labanan ang pátakarán nilá.
Play audio #34808 Play audio #34809Audio Loop
I was determined to oppose their policy.
Isusulong sa pulong ang usapín tungkól sa bagong pátakarán.
Play audio #35963Audio Loop
The issue about the new policies will be discussed in the meeting.
Lumálabág sa kónstitusyón ang pátakaráng pangwi ng páaralán.
Play audio #47790Audio Loop
The school's language policy violates the constitution.
Hindî ko gustó ang bagong pátakaráng itinakdâ nilá.
Play audio #37523Audio Loop
I don't like the new policy they've set up.
Inirepórt niyá ang paglabág sa pátakarán ng kompanyá.
Play audio #36978Audio Loop
He reported the violation of the company policy.
Marami ang nagréreklamo tungkól sa bagong pátakarán sa opisina namin.
Play audio #38950Audio Loop
Many are complaining about the new policy in our office.
May bagong pátakarán na gustó niláng ipatupád simulâ sa isáng linggó.
Play audio #38949Audio Loop
There's a new policy that they'd like to implement beginning next week.

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How to pronounce patakaran:

Play audio #11800
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