
Residue in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word residue.

The English word "residue" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word residue in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. latak   [noun] residue; debris; scum more...

More matches for "residue" in Tagalog:

1.) agiw - [noun] cobwebs; spiderwebs; dirty residue Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
2.) muyangit - any juice or liquid on the edge of the mouth of a container and left after pouring; residue; drip; spill; overflow; more...
3.) inalitan - something that has been shouldered or what is left after the rice has been reaped; burden; remnant; residue; leftover; more...
4.) palák - [noun] residue; debris more...
5.) bagaso - the pulp or dregs of sugarcane that has been crushed or milled; pulp; dregs; residue; marc; more...
6.) lumpí - a residue with the color of betel nut chew; stain; residue; more...
7.) inagagán - the substances that have been filtered or the things that did not pass through a filter; residue; sediment; dregs; remnants; more...
8.) ginapasan - stubble left after harvesting wheat or rice; stubble; residue; remnants; more...
9.) tining - dregs; sediment; residue; deposit; precipitate; more...
10.) apyós - a mark or trace of anything thrown, dropped, or left behind; trace; mark; imprint; residue; more...
11.) kula - [noun] vinegar residue; cataract more...
12.) kalamaan - anything that is left for everyone after sharing; surplus; remainder; residue; leftovers; more...
13.) halagap - seems like dirt that forms on the surface of boiled meat and bones; scum; residue; foam; froth; more...
14.) uwar - the remains of rice that have been eaten by rats; leftovers; remnants; residue; more...
15.) tayamutam - the residue or remains from something that has been scraped off; scrapings; remnants; residue; more...
16.) sapal - [noun] pulp; residue more...
17.) yamás - any solid residue left after extraction, squeezing, or chewing, such as pulp and marc; pulp; marc; residue; sediment; more...
18.) sapir - scrap or what is left; residue; remainder; leftover; remnant; scrap; more...
19.) sapid - [noun] thick or sticky substance left adhering to the mouth of a container while pouring; sticking of a thick substance on the mouth of a container; more...

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