
Rotten in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word rotten.

The English word "rotten" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word rotten in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. bulók   1.) [adjective] rotten; spoiled; of poor quality; decaying; bad; 2.) [adjective] corrupt morally; more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tayutô   pertaining to wood, brittle or decayed; brittle; decayed; rotten; crumbly; more...

More matches for "rotten" in Tagalog:

1.) bugók - 1.) [adjective] rotten; rotten egg; putrid; 2). [adjective] weak headed; weak minded; dull; foolish; stupid more...
2.) tagbák - decayed due to continuous soaking in liquid; rotten; decayed; putrid; more...
3.) bungkók - rotten, like dead fish or spoiled meat; decayed; putrid; spoiled; rotten; more...
4.) puka - [adjective] rotten (ref. to the end of a post underground) more...
5.) anómaló - corrupt; having decay or rot; rotten; degenerate; more...
6.) lasák - rotten; destroyed; decayed; corroded; deteriorated; ruined; more...
7.) pangtót - [adjective] rotten; spoiled; corrupt morally; of poor quality; decaying; bad more...
8.) halpók - [adjective] rotten; stale; putrid; not fresh; * often used to refer to old fish more...
9.) halumanis - [adjective] nearly spoiled / rotten more...
10.) laás - to become damaged or rotten; decayed; spoiled; rotten; damaged; more...
11.) buóg - spoiled, like a fruit that has been overly squeezed or picked before it is ripe; spoiled; rotten; overripe; decomposed; more...
12.) lapók - decayed, such as rotten wood and rotten fabric; rotten; decayed; putrid; decomposed; more...
13.) gulót - rotten thing; something that is decomposed; rotten; decomposed; decayed; spoiled; more...
14.) lumlóm - ripened or decayed due to not receiving enough air; overripe; decayed; rotten; more...
15.) bilasâ - [adjective] rotten; stale; putrid; not fresh; * often used to refer to old fish more...
16.) luktá - decayed; rotten; putrid; spoiled; more...
17.) halapók - [adjective] rotten; stale; putrid; not fresh; * often used to refer to old fish more...
18.) maangál - 1.) [adjective] rancid; 2.) [adjective] vociferous; clamorous; disposed or inclined to complaining; more...
19.) labsák - [noun] overly soft; over ripe; (especially said of fruit, vegetables) more...

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