
Scratch in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word scratch.

The English word "scratch" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word scratch in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. gasgás   [noun] scratch; gall; [adjective] scratched; worn out; grating more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kahig   [noun] scratch more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. galos   [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kalmutín   [verb] to claw someone; to scratch someone Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...

More matches for "scratch" in Tagalog:

1.) kamot - [noun] scratch more...
2.) kamutin - [verb] to scratch something; to scratch an itch more...
3.) mapakamot - [verb] to scratch absent mindedly more...
4.) kalmót - [noun] scratch (with nails); claw more...
5.) magkamót - [verb] to scratch more...
6.) kumiskís - [verb] to rub; to scratch against more...
7.) gurlís - [noun] small scratch; small cut; scar. more...
8.) barlís - a line of ink or a blade's cut or mark.; scratch; slash; incision; line; mark; more...
9.) dasdás - abrasion; scratch; scrape; graze; more...
10.) galusgós - a deep and long scratch or scar on the skin or any surface; scratch; scar; gash; more...
11.) ngatí - the root word for 'pa-ngati'; itch; scratch; more...
12.) galmós - a scratch or abrasion wound caused by nails, thorns, and others; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
13.) kalkál - the act of scraping or scratching by means of fingernails; scrape; scratch; dig; more...
14.) agat-át - a mark made by a knife or saw; notch; score; scratch; incision; more...
15.) gumasgás - [verb] to scratch more...
16.) ahod - scratch or mark of an animal bite on human skin; scratch; scar; mark; more...
17.) gulomós - [verb] to scratch something; to scratch an itch more...
18.) kaykáy - [non] scratching the surface soil with claws/nails more...
19.) kagudkód - scrape; scratch off; scratch; shave; grate; more...
20.) luntáy - [noun] scratch; gall; [adjective] scratched; worn out; grating more...
21.) gadlós - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
22.) palabud - grains or food for chickens, turkeys, or the like that are scattered on the ground for pecking; feed; grains; poultry food; scratch; more...
23.) dagasrás - variant of dagasdas; scrape; scratch; graze; more...
24.) gamláng - a gentle stroke or scratch with the tips of the fingers; caress; stroke; scratch; more...
25.) galamós - a scratch or a line on the face created by nails, a nail, or any sharp object; scratch; scrape; graze; more...
26.) supnít - a glancing blow or hole; a slight scrape or a small tear.; graze; scratch; scrape; nick; more...
27.) gayad - the act of scraping or scratching against a surface; scrape; scratch; graze; more...
28.) gurlít - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
29.) gulamos - a scratch or abrasion caused by nails, thorns, sharp grass, and others; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
30.) korlás - lines or scratches produced by something that cuts or slices; scratch; score; scrape; mark; more...
31.) makagalos - [verb] to scratch more...
32.) latlát - a wound that is peeling off on the back of a horse or on a person's buttocks; abrasion; excoriation; scrape; scratch; more...
33.) pakyád - a thorn or any obstruction in the throat; scratch; irritation; obstruction; more...
34.) kumahig - [verb] to scrabble; to scratch more...
35.) kumalkál - [verb] to rummage through; to scratch; to scrape more...
36.) kumalmót - [verb] to claw; to scratch more...
37.) galusan - [verb] to scratch more...
38.) magalusan - [verb] to scratch something (OF); to be scratched (AF) more...
39.) kumamot - [verb] to scratch more...
40.) kuramos - [noun] deep scratch with fingernails (usually of an animal) on one's face; more...
41.) taklíp - [noun] scratch more...
42.) duplís - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
43.) halas - a scratch on the skin caused by a sharp blade or by cutting grasses such as cogon; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
44.) kukót - to peel or scrape off something using the fingernails; scratch; scrape; peel; more...
45.) gasgasín - [verb] to scratch something more...
46.) higahód - variant of higahid; scrape; scratch; more...
47.) galáb - 1. a sickle; a cutting tool with a curved blade and a wooden handle used for mowing or cutting grass. 2. a blade with a protruding handle, used for hooking and picking fruit. 3. a scratch or superficial cut on the skin or any surface. 4. the process of extracting juice from nipa palm to make wine or vinegar.; sickle; blade; scratch; extraction process; more...
48.) pikat - scratch; a superficial skin wound caused by a sharp object; graze; abrasion; more...
49.) kudlís - [noun] wound or scar obtained from a sharp object more...

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