
Greedy in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word greedy.

The English word "greedy" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word greedy in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. matakaw   [adjective] greedy; gluttonous more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. sakím   [adjective] greedy more...

More matches for "greedy" in Tagalog:

1.) swapang - [adjective] greedy more...
2.) masakím - [adjective] selfish; greedy more...
3.) mayamô - [adjective] greedy more...
4.) sakón - [adjective] greedy more...
5.) mapág-imbót - possessing the characteristic of greed; greedy; covetous; avaricious; grasping; more...
6.) palalós - fond of claiming or taking possession; acquisitive; possessive; grabby; greedy; more...
7.) walâng-kásiyahan - never able to be satisfied; perpetually discontented; insatiable; unappeasable; greedy; inexhaustible; restless; more...
8.) masulong - extremely greedy or voracious; gluttonous; greedy; voracious; more...
9.) kuyakos - [adjective] greedy; gluttonous more...
10.) hawó - [adjective] greedy more...
11.) árimuhán - inclined to acquire an object or various things even if not useful or beneficial; acquisitive; greedy; hoarding; more...
12.) abarisyosa - greedy for wealth, the feminine form of 'abarisyoso' which refers to a male; greedy; avaricious; covetous; materialistic; more...
13.) samayna - [adjective] greedy; gluttonous more...
14.) bayaís - greedy and ill-natured; greedy; malevolent; selfish; vicious; more...
15.) duwapang - [adjective] greedy more...
16.) patáy-gutom - [adjective] extremely hungry; starving; lacking money or material possessions; poor; destitute; impoverished; greedy; more...

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