
Squeezing in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word squeezing.

The English word "squeezing" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) singit - 1.) [noun] groin; 2.) [noun] squeezing in; butting in; interjecting; pressing; more...
2.) lamas - [noun] kneading; squeezing more...
3.) salpák - [noun] inserting; squeezing in; sticking in; putting in; putting something in a narrow space more...
4.) bolobót - the act of cramming many people together; overcrowding; crowding; jamming; packing; squeezing; congestion; more...
5.) pagpisíl - [noun] squeezing with one's hand more...
6.) yamás - any solid residue left after extraction, squeezing, or chewing, such as pulp and marc; pulp; marc; residue; sediment; more...
7.) daimpít - nudging; the act of pushing or squeezing someone gently in a crowded or confined space.; jostling; squeezing; more...
8.) sumingit - [verb] to squeeze in; to squeeze between; to butt in more...
9.) ipitin - [verb] to clasp something; to squeeze something more...
10.) isingit - [verb] to put in between; to fit something in; to squeeze something in; to insert; more...
11.) sumiksík - [verb] to squeeze; to squeeze in; to inject in more...
12.) pigaín - [verb] to squeeze something; to wring out something more...
13.) sumuót - [verb] to get into; to enter into; to squeeze through something narrow more...
14.) pisilín - [verb] to squeeze something (with one's hand); to clasp something; to pinch something more...
15.) maisalpák - [verb] to be able to squeeze something in (in time, or in a small space) more...
16.) magsiksikan - [verb] to cram all together; to squeeze all together more...
17.) mailusót - [verb] to be able to get away with something; to be able to squeeze something in more...
18.) lamasin - [verb] to knead something; to massage something; to squeeze something more...
19.) pumisíl - [verb] to squeeze with one's hand more...

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