

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word sumikat in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word sumikat:

sumikat  Play audio #38704
[verb] to be popular or famous; to rise (sun); to shine (sun)

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Verb conjugations of sumikat:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: sikatConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
sumikat  Play audio #38704
Completed (Past):
sumikat  Play audio #38704
Uncompleted (Present):
sumisikat  Play audio #38705
Contemplated (Future):
sisikat  Play audio #38706
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Example Sentences Available Icon Sumikat Example Sentences in Tagalog: (5)
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Hindî pa ipinápanganák si Jane nang sumikat si Elvis.
Play audio #43458Audio Loop
Jane was not yet born when Elvis became popular.
Gustó mo bang sumikat?
Play audio #29379 Play audio #29380Audio Loop
Would you like to become popular / famous?
Anóng oras sumikat ang araw kanina?
Play audio #29377 Play audio #29378Audio Loop
What time did the sun rise earlier / this morning?
Siyá ang pínakabagong sumisikat na aktrés ngayón.
Play audio #29375 Play audio #29376Audio Loop
She's the latest rising actress now.
Sisikat na mulî ang araw kasí tumigil na ang ulán.
Play audio #29157 Play audio #29158Audio Loop
The sun will shine again because the rain has already stopped.

User-submitted Example Sentences (2):
User-submitted example sentences from Tatoeba who have self reported as being fluent in Tagalog.
Sisikat muli ang araw sa madaling panahon.
Tatoeba Sentence #2783707 Tatoeba user-submitted sentence
The sun will shine again soon.

Sumisikat ang araw nang mas maaga kapag tag-araw,
Tatoeba Sentence #2798350 Tatoeba user-submitted sentence
The sun rises earlier in the summer.

Tatoeba SentenceNotice: The Tatoeba sentences are from and are provided under the CC BY 2.0 FR creative commons license. Some of the Tatoeba sentences are also under CC0 1.0. See their website for more details. This only applies to Tatoeba sentences and not the other sentences on All other sentences are © copyright protected by

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How to pronounce sumikat:

Play audio #38704
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Related Filipino Words:
sikátsikatpasikatsikat ng arawpinakasikátmagpasikatkasikatannapakasikátbigláng-sikátkakasikat
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