
Throw in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word throw.

The English word "throw" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) batuhín - [verb] to throw something at someone/something; to throw stones at someone/something; to hurl something at someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) ibató - [verb] to throw something more...
3.) tapunan - [verb] to throw toward/at something; to shoot a look at someone/something; to cast a glance at someone/something more...
4.) ihagis - [verb] to throw something; to fling something; to lob something; to throw something in the air; to toss something Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
5.) hagisan - [verb] to throw at something/somewhere more...
6.) hagis - [noun] throw more...
7.) tumilapon - [verb] to go flying (out); to be thrown wildly more...
9.) bumató - [verb] to throw (something) at; to hurl against more...
10.) magsabóg - [verb] to throw around; to scatter around more...
11.) ipukól - [verb] to fling something; to hurl something; to throw something; more...
12.) paghahagis - [noun] throw more...
13.) balabág - [noun] throw; cast; slam more...
14.) itsá - [noun] throw more...
15.) maihagis - [verb] to be able to throw something more...
16.) pagbató - [noun] throw; throwing more...
17.) pukulín - [verb] to throw at something more...
18.) ilandáng - to fling; to throw; fling; throw; hurl; more...
19.) gowá - the act of throwing an object into the water; throw; toss; fling; cast; more...
20.) barihán - a colorful and loosely woven blanket; blanket; coverlet; throw; more...
21.) dalambâ - to throw; to cast away; throw; cast; toss; fling; hurl; more...
22.) sóbrekama - bedspread; bed cover; quilt; comforter; coverlet; duvet; throw; more...
23.) tékadá - in jai-alai, a type of throw or shot of the ball; right tekada if the shot is to the right and left tekada if the shot is to the left; throw; shot; more...
24.) kagyót - to throw or hurl a heavy object forcefully; throw; hurl; fling; cast; lob; more...
25.) tilapon - [noun] wild throw; toss more...
26.) balibang - the act of throwing a stick or rod; throw; toss; fling; hurl; cast; more...
27.) usmani - a type of blanket; blanket; cover; quilt; throw; more...
28.) iitsá - [verb] to cast; to throw more...
29.) pagkabató - [noun] having thrown; upon throwing more...
30.) itsahán - [verb] to throw something at someone more...
31.) tampolang - the act of angrily tossing a light object; toss; fling; throw; more...
32.) pailanláng - a launch; the act of throwing something upwards, like a stone or shooting an arrow; being boastful in speech as if casting words into the air; launch; throw; cast; fling; hurl; boasting; bragging; more...
33.) ilambáng - to throw; to fling; to toss; throw; fling; toss; hurl; more...
34.) kayompatá - a type of blanket originating from borneo; blanket; cover; quilt; throw; more...
35.) humagis - [verb] to be thrown more...
36.) halibas - throw; toss; fling; hurl; cast; pitch; more...
37.) balabagin - [verb] to throw (emphasis on object thrown at) more...
38.) ibalabag - [verb] to throw (emphasis on object thrown) more...
39.) sapotanan - a type of blanket from borneo; blanket; coverlet; quilt; throw; more...
40.) perdér - in racing and cockfighting, a favored contestant that is intentionally made to lose; throw; fixed game; rigged contest; more...
41.) balibas - to cast or fling upward; toss; fling; throw; cast; hurl; more...
42.) pukól - [noun] a throw; a shot more...
43.) tirahin - [verb] to strike or hit something; to pop something (e.g., a drug); to take a hit of something; to fuck someone (slang/vulgar) more...
44.) balibág - [noun] tossing; hurling more...
45.) bagibáng - [noun] tossing; hurling more...

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