
Tree in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word tree.

The English word "tree" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word tree in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pu   1.) [noun] tree; 2.) [noun] chief; boss; executive; head (of an organization) Example Sentences Available Icon24 Example Sentences Available » more...

More matches for "tree" in Tagalog:

1.) púnong-kahoy - [noun] tree; tree trunk; wooden tree (in contrast to, for example, a palm tree) more...
2.) alagasi - alagasi: a type of tree (leucosyke capitellata) that grows 2-4 meters high, with oblong and thin leaves.; tree; more...
3.) ulayan - a species of tree; tree; more...
4.) kayawyáw - a species of tree; tree; more...
5.) kamotain - a species of tree; tree; more...
6.) kalakad - a kind of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
7.) ikuó - a type of tree (dysoxylum decandrum) with yellow flowers and fruit, and red seeds; tree; dysoxylum decandrum; more...
8.) kolait - a type of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
9.) biluwak - a tree (macaranga grandifolia) that grows up to 10 meters high and has broad and round leaves.; tree; macaranga grandifolia; more...
10.) bóta-bota - a species of tree; tree; timber tree; wood tree; more...
11.) dingindingin - a type of tree; tree; more...
12.) kawili - a tree that grows straight, reaching a height of 3-8 meters, with fibrous shoots, smooth and oval-shaped leaves; tree; more...
13.) hinanaplá - a species of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
14.) banyakís - a spike or spur worn on the foot by someone climbing a pole, tree, and others in order to climb quickly; climbing spur; climber's spike; gaff; pole spike; more...
15.) oyóy - a tree (phaeanthus ebrateolatus) that grows up to 15 meters, the wood of which is used in house construction; tree; timber tree; more...
16.) tamauyan - a species of tree; tree; more...
17.) takpó - a type of tree; tree; more...
18.) biyó - tree from which lumber or wood is obtained; tree; timber source; wood source; more...
19.) malaapi - a kind of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
20.) malabagyó - a kind of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
21.) tadyáng-anuwáng - a species of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
22.) anii - a type of tree; tree; more...
23.) banalaw - a tree that grows up to 10 meters tall and has small leaves and twigs covered with tiny brown scales; tree; wood; timber; more...
24.) araway - a species of tree; tree; more...
25.) anoblíng - a type of tree; tree; more...
26.) butóng-manók - a species of tree; tree; wood; more...
27.) arbol - tree; more...
28.) banilar - a type of tree; tree; more...
29.) duktuyan - a species of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
30.) kilamo - a type of tree; tree; more...
31.) kamatóg - a species of tree; tree; more...
32.) kayutana - a kind of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
33.) anyatam - a species of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
34.) gisagis - the act of rubbing one's body against a wall, tree, or similar structure in order to relieve itching or remove dirt from the body; scrub; rub; scrape; more...
35.) anobíng - a species of tree; tree; more...
36.) kalulot - a tree (artocarpus rubrovenia) that grows up to 8 meters high, has elliptical leaves, and fruit with numerous seeds; artocarpus rubrovenia; tree; more...
37.) talokna - a type of tree; tree; timber tree; wood; more...
38.) madondón - a species of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
39.) panuo - a kind of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
40.) balingasay - a small to fairly large tree (buchanania arborescens) that grows up to 10 meters high, with simple leaves arranged in clusters, bearing small white flowers, native to the philippines, and a source of lumber; tree; hardwood tree; philippine native tree; more...
41.) gísong-diláw - a type of tree; tree; yellowwood; more...
42.) maísipaisi - a kind of tree; tree; timber; wood; more...
43.) bitanghól - a species of tree or fruit-bearing tree; tree; fruit tree; more...
44.) malapatupat - species of tree; tree; more...
45.) arwás - a species of tree; tree; timber tree; more...
46.) inráng - a species of tree; tree; more...

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