

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word tumabi in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word tumabi:

tumabí  Play audio #44080
[verb] to go near someone; to put to the side; to step aside

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Verb conjugations of tumabi:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: tabiConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
tumabí  Play audio #44080
Completed (Past):
tumabí  Play audio #44080
Uncompleted (Present):
tumátabí  Play audio #44081
Contemplated (Future):
tátabí  Play audio #44082
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Example Sentences Available Icon Tumabi Example Sentences in Tagalog: (8)
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Tumabí ka para hindî ka masagasaan.
Play audio #30318 Play audio #30319Audio Loop
Move aside so you won't get ran over.
Tumabí ka.
Play audio #46060Audio Loop
Move out of the way.
Dito ka tumabí sa akin.
Play audio #46062Audio Loop
Stay here beside me.
Doón ka tumabí kay Charles.
Play audio #46058Audio Loop
Stay over there beside Charles.
Huwág kang tumabí sa akin.
Play audio #46061Audio Loop
Don't stay here beside me.
Tumabí ka diyán!
Play audio #46059Audio Loop
Get out of my way!
Tátabí ka kapág may dumadaáng sasakyán.
Play audio #28182 Play audio #28183Audio Loop
You should move aside when a vehicle is passing through.
Gustó ng batang tumátabí sa tatay niyá kapág nanónoód silá ng TV.
Play audio #38413Audio Loop
The child likes to sit beside his dad when they're watching TV.

User-submitted Example Sentences (1):
User-submitted example sentences from Tatoeba who have self reported as being fluent in Tagalog.
Tumabi ka.
Tatoeba Sentence #4554743 Tatoeba user-submitted sentence
Step aside.

Tatoeba SentenceNotice: The Tatoeba sentences are from and are provided under the CC BY 2.0 FR creative commons license. Some of the Tatoeba sentences are also under CC0 1.0. See their website for more details. This only applies to Tatoeba sentences and not the other sentences on All other sentences are © copyright protected by

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How to pronounce tumabi:

Play audio #44080
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
tabíkatabíPasintabi pômagkatabíisantabíitabítabingîtabihántabí-tabímagtabí
Related English Words:
go nearasidestep aside
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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