

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word tumambay in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word tumambay:

tumambay  Play audio #42224
[verb] to hang around; to hang out; to stand around; to lollygag

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Verb conjugations of tumambay:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: tambayConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
tumambay  Play audio #42224
Completed (Past):
tumambay  Play audio #42226
Uncompleted (Present):
tumatambay  Play audio #42227
Contemplated (Future):
tatambay  Play audio #42228
Verb family:
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Tumambáy ang mga magkaibigan sa mall kagabí.
Play audio #43638Audio Loop
The friends hung out at the mall last night.
Tumambáy muna si Carrie sa kantina.
Play audio #43641Audio Loop
Carrie hung out first at the canteen.
Bawal ang tumambáy dito.
Play audio #43635Audio Loop
It's prohibited to hang around here.
Salamat sa lahát ng tumambáy.
Play audio #43637Audio Loop
Thanks to all those who hung around.
Huwág mo akóng piliting tumambáy.
Play audio #36150Audio Loop
Don't force me to hang around.
Saán ka madalás na tumatambáy?
Play audio #43631Audio Loop
Where do you usually hang out?
La siyáng tumatambáy sa mga Facebook group.
Play audio #43636Audio Loop
She always hang out in Facebook groups.
Tumatambáy pa rin si Jenny sa condo ni Matt.
Play audio #43639Audio Loop
Jenny still hangs around in Matt's condo.
Isá siyá sa mga tumatambáy sa coffee shop.
Play audio #43634Audio Loop
He is one of those who hang out at the coffee shop.
Tatambáy kamí sa bahay buóng araw.
Play audio #43640Audio Loop
We will hang around the house all day.
Alternate spelling(s):
umistambay, umiistambay, iistambay
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce tumambay:

Play audio #42224
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
hang aroundhangs aroundhanging aroundhung aroundhang outhangs outhung outhanging outstand aroundstanding aroundlollygag
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