

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word usapan in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word usapan:

usapan  Play audio #2073
[noun] conversation; discussion; agreement; appointment; issue at hand

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Hindî pa ibinábasura ang usapang pangkapayapaan.
Play audio #37855Audio Loop
The peace talks haven't been dismissed yet.
Naputol ang usapan namin nang dumatíng si Jim.
Play audio #29579 Play audio #29580Audio Loop
Our conversation was interrupted when Jim arrived.
Ibahín natin ang usapan.
Play audio #45416Audio Loop
Let's change the conversation.
Maugong ang usapan sa pagbabalík ng tambalan niná James at Nadine.
Play audio #48721Audio Loop
Talks about the return of James and Nadine's pairing are abuzz.
Bakit mo iníibá ang usapan?
Play audio #45414Audio Loop
Why are you changing the topic?
Ikamámatáy mo ba ang hindî mo pagtupád sa usapan?
Play audio #28418 Play audio #28419Audio Loop
Will you die from not being able to keep your promise?
Mukháng mauuwî sa walâ ang usapan natin.
Play audio #31265 Play audio #31266Audio Loop
It looks like our discussion will lead us nowhere.
Idaán natin itó sa mahinahon na usapan.
Play audio #46778Audio Loop
Let's deal with this through a cool-headed discussion.
Huwág ka na lang makialám para hindî maguló ang usapan.
Play audio #38836Audio Loop
Just don't meddle so as not to confound the discussion.

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How to pronounce usapan:

Play audio #2073
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
conversationdiscussionagreementappointmentappointissue at hand
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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