
Vine in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word vine.

The English word "vine" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word vine in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. baging   [noun] vine more...

More matches for "vine" in Tagalog:

1.) upo - [noun] bottle gourd; gourd; vines bearing gourds more...
2.) dugán - a type of vine; vine; more...
3.) kalipkík - a vine (dischidia purpurea) that grows and crawls on the trunk of a tree; vine; more...
4.) dalapdáp - a creeping stem or vine; vine; climber; creeper; more...
5.) súsong-kabayo - a climber; a shrub (uvaria rufa) that climbs upwards, reaching 5-6 meters in height, with hairy undersides of the leaves.; climber; vine; more...
6.) maláubi - a trellis; a vine (aristolochia tagala) whose root is used as a remedy for ear swelling; trellis; vine; more...
7.) balasín - a vine whose bark is used to make ropes or binding material; vine; creeper; liana; more...
8.) tabatib - a stout vine (rhaphidophora merrillii) that climbs on the trunk of trees and has egg-shaped leaves; vine; climbing plant; more...
9.) gíkos-gikos - a large vine (rourea volubilis) that is a source of fibers used for making ropes; vine; climber; liana; more...
10.) alibangon - a creeping plant (commelina polygama), slender, succulent, and with edible leaves; creeping plant; vine; succulent plant; edible-leaf plant; more...
11.) banag - a woody vine (smilax bracteata) that has fragrant greenish-yellow flowers, and black, round berries; vine; woody vine; more...
12.) dalupa - vine, creeper; tendril of a vine or climber; vine; tendril; more...
13.) inggiw - a vine or thin stick used as a tie or binding material.; tie; vine; binding; cord; twine; more...
14.) bayatí - a creeper (anamirta cocculus) that is branched, yellow, has fragrant flowers, with juice that is poisonous to fish, and is used for making ropes; raven-colored vine; creeper; vine; more...
15.) malahanip - a type of vine or climbing plant; vine; climber; climbing plant; more...
16.) kataray - a species of vine (blumea balsamifera); vine; climber; creeper; more...
17.) kala-kalamayan - a vine (cissampelos pareira) whose fibers are used for making ropes and whose root is poisonous; vine; more...
18.) gánayganay - a flowering vine (schefflera trifoliata) with elongated, five-cornered fruit; a state of being finely chopped or shredded; vine; shredded; finely chopped; more...
19.) bakto - a vine with clusters of flowers that grow up to 2 cm; vine; more...
20.) bagák - a fleshy vine (rhaphidophora merrillii) that climbs on the trunk of trees and has egg-shaped leaves; also called tabatib.; vine; climbing plant; more...
21.) bítin-bitin - vine or any plant that creeps or climbs; a climbing or creeping plant; vine; climber; creeper; more...
22.) kamumin - a type of woody vine (rourea erecta) that is smooth and grows 1-3 meters in height, has small leaves, white or pink flowers, and bears fruit that is poisonous; vine; more...
23.) buyók-buyók - a slender, latex-bearing vine (heterostemma cuspidatum) with smooth leaves and hairy purple flowers; vine; more...
24.) malais-ís - a thin-stemmed vine (streptocaulon baumii); a climbing vine (malaisia scandens) that grows upwards, 4 to 8 meters in length; a type of creeper; creeper; vine; climber; more...
25.) lakmít - a shrub (merremia vitifolia) that is branched, with long and slender stems, and has hairy leaves; vine; climber; creeping plant; more...
26.) habíd - a tangled mess of rope, vine, wire, and the like; entanglement; tangle; snarl; more...
27.) uknón - a vine similar to the 'behuko'; vine; more...
28.) kabalonga - forest vine; vine; more...
29.) malalangit - a type of creeping plant; vine; creeper; climber; trailing plant; more...
30.) hágorilis - a hairy vine (deeringia amaranthoides) that grows about 5-6 meters, with greenish-white flowers and round, red fruits; vine; climbing plant; more...
31.) banyasin - a type of vine; anamirta cocculus, a branching vine with yellow, fragrant flowers, the juice of which is poisonous to fish and is used to make ropes; also known as gabeng-uwak or lagtang.; vine; fish poison vine; rope vine; more...
32.) hampástigbalang - a woody vine (smilax bracteata) that has fragrant greenish-yellow flowers and black, round berries; effective; thing; a variant of 'banaag'; brightness.; vine; woody vine; smilax; more...
33.) hinggíw - a vine (streptocaulon baumii) that has a slender stem; vine; more...
34.) bagin - [noun] vine more...
35.) halubagat - thicket; a type of vine (toddalia asiatica) that is thorny, green, and has small flowers; bramble; a shrub (capparis horrida) that is 3 meters tall, thorny, with pink petals on its flowers; a shrub (capparis micracantia) that is 2-4 meters tall, with red and round fruit; a vine (mezoneuron latisiliquum) that commonly climbs high trees, has fruit that is pointed at both ends and contains red seeds; a thorny tree; the thorns of rattan; the thorns of a bamboo shoot; a place that is dense and overgrown; shrub; more...
36.) olibato - a vine (anredera scandens) that has thick roots used for treating boils; vine; medicinal plant; more...
37.) limurang - a type of large and thick rattan; rattan; cane; vine; more...
38.) lagtáng - a vine (anamirta cocculus) that is branched, yellow, with fragrant flowers, its juice is poisonous to fish, and it is used to make ropes; vine; climber; creeper; more...
39.) sílong-pugó - a vine (peri-campylus glaucus) that has small, seemingly purple fruits when unripe and red when ripe.; vine; more...
40.) sámbartolomé - a vine (heterostemma cuspidatum) that is slender, milky, with smooth leaves, and has hairy purple flowers.; vine; more...
41.) lagete - a branching vine (celastrus peniculata) that grows 4-10 meters long, with greenish flowers and yellow fruit; vine; climbing plant; creeper; more...
42.) pakit - a vine that has a few thorns on its body, heart-shaped leaves that taper to a point, and an edible root crop; vine; edible root vine; more...
43.) sansáw - a vine (cissampelos pareira) whose fibers are used to make ropes and whose root is poisonous; vine; more...
44.) tampím-banál - tabatib; a bland vine (rhaphidophora merrillii) that climbs on the trunk of trees and has egg-shaped leaves; climbing plant; vine; more...
45.) suwág-matsíng - a vine (piper retrofractum) that has short leaves and possesses both female and male plant organs; vine; more...
46.) hinggíw-kalabáw - a type of vine; streptocaulon baumii, which has a slender stem; or malaisia scandens, a climbing vine that can grow 4-8 meters in length.; vine; climber; creeper; more...
47.) salakapo - a soft vine (tournefortia sarmentosa) that has glossy leaves, pale green flowers, and round fruits; vine; climber; more...
48.) enrédadera - [noun] vine more...
49.) timbáng-timbáng - a plant (dischidia platyphylla) that has a slender stem, with small flowers that have a yellowish corolla.; plant; herb; vine; more...
50.) dapo`-sa-bu - a vine (dischidia vidalii) that commonly grows on dead bamboo; vine; climber; creeper; more...
51.) bangatí - a vine (abrus precatorius) with seeds that are half red and half black, which are used as beads; climber; vine; rosary pea; bead plant; more...
52.) sínsaw-sinsawan - a vine (cissampelos pareira) whose fibers are used for making ropes and the extract of its root is used as fish poison; vine; rope material; fish poison; more...
53.) abutra - a large and woody vine with a yellow stem, interwoven leaves, and small, white flowers; vine; woody vine; more...
54.) kámitkabag - thicket; a thorny vine (toddalia asiatica) that is green and has small flowers; spurge nettle; a shrub (capparis horrida) that is 3 meters tall, thorny, with pink petals on its flowers; a shrub (capparis micracantia) that is 2-4 meters tall with red, round fruit; a vine (mezoneuron latisiliquum) that commonly climbs tall trees, with fruit that is pointed at both ends and has red seeds; a thorny tree; the thorn of rattan; the thorn of a bamboo slat; an overgrown place; thicket.; bramble; underbrush; thorny s more...
55.) lugmóy - [noun] vine more...
56.) posuka - a vine that is slim, round, and has smooth branches; with leaves that are thin, velvety, and egg-shaped; and has infrequent flowers.; vine; more...
57.) aligbangon - a creeping plant (floscopa scandens lour) that is fleshy and has an erect stem.; creeping plant; vine; more...
58.) malaráyat-kahoy - a thorny shrub or climber; specifically, the toddalia asiatica, which has small flowers and greenish hues; capparis horrida, a thorny shrub reaching 3 meters in height with pink flower petals; capparis micracanthia, a shrub 2-4 meters tall with red, round fruits; mezoneuron latisiliquum, a vine that commonly climbs tall trees, with pointed fruits at both ends and red seeds; a thorny tree; thorns of rattan; thorns of bamboo; a dense and tangled place.; thorny shrub; climber; vine; bramble; thicket; more...
59.) pagsalabid - [noun] becoming entangled (in a rope, wire, vine, etc.) more...

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