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Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "araw ng pahinga, araw ng pahingang"...  

Results found by count:  
araw ng pahinga: 3 instances found

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...umaga 😂 Wag balewalain ang retainer ha. Hehe Bukas ka na mag abstinence ulit! Sunday ngayon. Araw ng pahinga. Sabi "Kakabigay ko lang ng tubig sa inyo ah." In a tone na nakaka bad trip tapos sabay talikod. If meal times are women... breakfast is Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and Emma Watson Iba ang appeal at ganda ng... barkada outing? ayoko sana mag tampo sila pero kaya lang naman ayoko sumama kase kulang yung araw ng pahinga ko. mas gusto ko nalang matulog sa bahay. haha huhu But what are the signals for? If the car behind you on the other lane will allow you to scoot in then good. If not then deal with it. Wait for someone who will.... barkada outing? ayoko sana mag tampo sila pero kaya lang naman ayoko sumama kase kulang yung araw ng pahinga ko. mas gusto ko nalang matulog sa bahay. haha huhu Parang papunta na dun papsi. Sa ngayon pahid lang ng vicks sa ~~mukha~~ may bandang leef malapit sa lalamunan. Sayang wala akong white flower haha pinakabasic, mag...

Display count: 3

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.