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*** Important: Non-members of can search up to 8,024,827 words of sample text, however registered members have access to a larger body of sample text including 24,008,381 words. That's equivalent to 291 three-hundred page novels worth of text in Tagalog! Consider creating an account - it's 100% free and gives you access to all features of this site.***

Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "guho, guhong"...  

Results found by count:  
guho: 2 instances found

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...isa sa mga visor ko maka-DDS huhu unfollow na po kita sa fb ha sorry po haaay nahuli sa isang guho ng lupa Speaking of iflix, yung Hoy Bibig Mo okay din. Comedians come on the show and do a short set. Funny stuff. Introduced me to some good local comedians. Familiar lang kasi ako sa mga international... u/TrillanesSonny and hopefully maging maliit na trigger yung pagkagulong niya sa tuluyang pag guho ng rehimeng dutiti. not a lawyer, pero may subject na law and consti nung college, the land is a conjugal property na nung panganay at asawa, and since walang ibang pinagiwanan bukod sa asawa and possibly...

Display count: 2

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.