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Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "inglesero, ingleserong"...  

Results found by count:  
inglesero: 3 instances found

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...was new here in Manila noon kaya it was interesting to me na may mga nakakasalamuha akong sosyal, inglesero, conyo at mga from humble life. It really set the tone for me on what my life will be here. Nope minsan mas malala, ung mga comment na sinisisi pa ung mga na rape may kasalanan bat sila naganun Nasuka pa ko sa...
...= sosyal, at dapat maging sosyal ang anak natin). Mas bothered ako sa mga batang pinapalaking inglesero ng mga magulang, at no tagalog (or other dialects). After a few years in SG, hindi na ko masyado bothered ng broken grammar, spelling, pronunciation, etc. Mas importante na sa kin ay kung magkakaintindihan kami...
...gagalaw e. You don't start a sentence with "But". I can't tell right away this is some try-hard, inglesero, you can always tell because they never use contractions. ​ I thought you said you wanted to express yourself in English, why code switch? Oh man, even reading this I can hear the broken English accent....

Display count: 3

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.