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Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "protestante, protestanteng"...  

Results found by count:  
protestante: 3 instances found

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...congregation; today an Episcopalian aka Anglican. Naglalalaro lang ako sa loob ng circles ng mga Protestante hahaha (but I NEVER entertained a thought of joining those yuppie churches like Victory or CCF; they're not my cup of tea). I regularly attend services and had in the past served in the different ministries of...
...ending talo pa din. Sino ba yun pari dun? Protestant church dw yan. So galit na din sya sa mga protestante? hahaha Ang ganda na pala ng itsura ng bagong reddit. kakabalik ko lang after 4 months. Maganda ba NUC as office PC? He was actually probably trying to sabotage you because of his own insecurities and envy. A lot... bleach Maaaring di nya alam ang tamang pagsuot nyan, nakikiuso (gustong sumunod sa uso ng mga protestante) o ayaw talaga sumunod sa rules ng simbahan. Sad to say, talamak ang ignorance/rebellion sa kaparian. Kakatanggap mo lang rin ba ng memo sa email nuj friday o kasama ka sa call nun thursday? Ang alam kong...

Display count: 3

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.