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*** Important: Non-members of can search up to 8,024,827 words of sample text, however registered members have access to a larger body of sample text including 24,008,381 words. That's equivalent to 291 three-hundred page novels worth of text in Tagalog! Consider creating an account - it's 100% free and gives you access to all features of this site.***

Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "warla, warlang"...  

Results found by count:  
warla: 1 instances found

Share these search results » tapat ng gate/entrance ng bahay nila tutal "biodegradable" naman Cyst, pwede namang makipag-warla dito sa sub kahit na walang pang-iinsulto o pangungutya? Pwede ba yun? Last mo na yan ah. galing sa salitang "buwis it" lagyan mo ng buwis yan. tignan natin kung hindi ka mainis. RELEASE YOUR INNER...

Display count: 1

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.