
The Interviewer Presents Vince TaƱada
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The Interviewer Presents Vince TaƱada Director, actor, producer, and lawyer Vince TaƱada is most known for his work on the movies Katips (2021), Ako si Ninoy (2023), and Otso (2013). ------------------ I have partnered with Sendwave, the fee-free remittance app, to spread the word to Kabayan living abroad! Use my promo code BOY to try and receive $10 free credit on your first transfer. Visit this link for more information:
The Boy Abunda Talk Channel
Run time: 14:42
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English Summary of Video (AI):
Here are specific bullet points concerning the topics discussed in the video:

- Introduction of Vince, thanking him for coming to discuss his movie "Ako Si Ninoy".
- Vince explains the origin of "Ako Si Ninoy" as a stage play commissioned in 2009 by the Ninoy Aquino Foundation, initially conceived as a musical.
- He shares his discussions with former President Cory Aquino, who advised him to write about the people, not just Ninoy, which influenced him to integrate modern-day heroes that embody Ninoy Aquino's principles into the story.
- Vince prefers to view Ninoy not as a hero but as a principle to be valued and emulated. He includes various characters, such as OFWs, doctors, and students, to reflect on aspects of Ninoy's concept or principles.
- The reason Ninoy Aquino is considered a hero is discussed, highlighting his transformation during and after his imprisonment, where he lost the appetite for power and chose to fight for democracy and freedom upon returning to the Philippines.
- Details of the film's production are given, including the authenticity of key scenes like Ninoy's assassination, which included input from witness Rebecca Quijano ("the crying lady") and efforts to find actors who closely resembled the real figures involved.
- Vince addresses questions about why the film does not include the Marcos family, stating he wanted to focus on humanizing Ninoy and prevent political revisionism.
- Mention of SendWave, a remittance app for OFWs, with a promo code from Boy Abunda.
- Debate on whether "Ako Si Ninoy" is a counter-narrative to other films that possibly represent political revisionism from the Marcos perspective. Vince admits it is possible the release timing was deliberate to provide a concurrent alternative to such narratives.
- Vince's decision to produce the story as a movie is linked to Twitter trends and misinformation, which led him to adapt his play into a film.
- Background of Vince as a playwright, stage manager, and lawyer, as well as the creation of his theater group, Philippine Stages.
- The discussion with his parents about his career choices and their eventual support of his career in the arts.
- Vince's role as an educator and his teaching career in Labor Laws and Humanities at San Beda. He also views theater as a tool for educating youth.
- Commitment to theater production and mention of his ongoing play "Bayani Love" about the love stories of Philippine heroes, which is currently touring the Philippines.

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Kaibigan, tuloy ang usap!
Vince, maraming salamat.
Thank you.
Pag-usapan natin ang pelikula mo. Ano ba ang pelikula, Ako Sininoy?
In the beginning, it was a stage play.
Back in 2009, I was commissioned by PCCA, the Binigno Aquino Foundation,
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