
Shiloh Baylon EPISODE # 216 The Paco's Place Podcast
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Welcome to the Paco's Place Podcast, where we bring you exciting conversations with up-and-coming artists. In our latest episode, we have the amazing Shiloh Baylon, a talented young song artist who is taking the music world by storm. Shiloh recently dropped her upbeat new single, "Don't You Remember," and you can now groove to it on all streaming platforms. It's incredible that she chose September 22, her birthday, to release this catchy tune that'll surely get you moving and grooving. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of Shiloh Baylon. We explore what it's like to be so young and driven in the music industry, all while balancing the joys and challenges of being a child and a daughter. So, grab your headphones and join us on this lighthearted adventure! Tune in to the Paco's Place Podcast and discover the incredible journey of Shiloh Baylon. #ShilohBaylon #PacoArespacochaga #PacosPlaceCLIPS #LiveatPacosPlace #PacosPlace #Inform #Inspire #podcasts Don't You Remember -
Paco's Place
Run time: 59:25
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