
USAPIN SA LIBEL PART 5 (Resolution ng Fiscal | Probable Cause | MR)
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Fiscal EJ
Run time: 15:18
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- Definition and Purpose of a Resolution:
- A written statement stating the case as presented by the evidence.
- Contains both complainant's and respondent's versions of the incident.

- Complainant's Version of the Incident:
- Complainant submits a complaint affidavit along with witness affidavits and supporting evidence.

- Respondent's Version of the Incident:
- Respondent is given due process to submit counter evidence, including affidavits and supporting documents.

- Prosecutor’s Analysis:
- Prosecutor discusses, analyzes, and evaluates evidence from both sides.
- Prosecutor uses the standard of probable cause to decide if a criminal case, known as an "information," should be filed against the respondent.

- Standard of Evidence – Probable Cause:
- Facts must engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the respondent is probably guilty.
- The key factor is the probability of guilt, not certainty.

- Prosecutor’s Decision Process:
- The prosecutor determines which evidence is more credible and whether the facts indicate a reasonable belief in the respondent's guilt.
- Based solely on documentary evidence.

- Role of the Prosecutor:
- The prosecutor decides if there's enough evidence for probable cause.
- The decision is not influenced by the police, complainant, respondent, or their lawyers.

- After Finding Probable Cause:
- The prosecutor prepares a resolution and information.
- Reviewing and chief prosecutors must endorse the documents before they're filed in court.

- Timeline for Resolution Issuance:
- Prosecutors are generally given two months from the filing of the complaint to issue a resolution.

- Remedies for Aggrieved Parties:
- Motion for reconsideration must be filed within 15 days of receiving the resolution.
- The prosecutor has 30 days to resolve the motion.
- Further appeals can be made to regional prosecutors, the Secretary of Justice, and ultimately, the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.

- Filing the Information in Court:
- The filing isn't delayed by pending motions for reconsideration or petitions for review.
- Preliminary investigation is considered complete after the determination of probable cause.

- Effects of Prosecutor Granting Reconsideration on a Filed Case:
- If a prosecutor grants a motion for reconsideration after the information is filed, the case is not automatically dismissed.
- The prosecutor must file a motion to withdraw the information.
- The court has the final say on whether to dismiss the case, despite the prosecutor's change of stance, as per the Crespo v. Mugol case.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Ano ba yung Resolution?
A Resolution is a statement in writing stating the nature of the case as disclosed in the evidence presented by the complainant.
The Complainant's Version of the Incident
Why is it that the prosecutor knows the Complainant's Version of the Incident?
Kasi yung complainant magsasubmit ng complaint affidavit niya.
And aside from his complaint affidavit, he will also submit the affidavits of his witnesses and any other supporting evidence that will prove his case.
Also, the Resolution will state the Respondent's Version of the Incident.
Ganon din po.
Yung Respondent will be given the opportunity as part of due process to submit his own evidence, his counter affidavit, the affidavits of his witnesses, or any other supporting evidence that will contradict the evidence submitted by the complainant.
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