
HORROR EXPERIENCE | Hunyo Animation | Pinoy Animation
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isa nanamang kwentuhan pero tungkol sa katatakutan kwento nyo dyan sa comment mga horror experience nyo! _________________________________________________ Other Platforms : Facebook : Instagram : Tiktok : _________________________________________________ For inquiry : Gmail : _________________________________________________ music in this video: ♪ Onion (Prod. by Lukrembo) Link : ♪ Background Music Horror Piano No Copyright ( Prod by Audiolist Productions ) Link : _________________________________________________ #pinoyanimation #hunyoanimation #pinoyanimator #horrorstories #halloween
Hunyo Animation
Run time: 06:50
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
- The video creator recounts a personal experience that happened this year around Halloween, fitting the spooky season.
- They were working on animation for a YouTube video when they were interrupted by a message from their parents.
- Instead of cooking dinner at home as usual, they decided to eat out with friends.
- They expressed dissatisfaction with the poor service at the restaurant and nearly forgot to pay before leaving around 11 p.m.
- Faced with the challenge of returning home without available transportation, they had no choice but to walk home alone late at night.
- The video creator describes the typical dark and grassy pathway they have to cross to reach the subdivision, even showing a picture that resembles a horror game setting.
- While walking with the phone flashlight on and sharing the experience with friends, the creator joked about the creepy atmosphere and the scarier prospect of encountering animals rather than ghosts.
- Suddenly, they heard a scream, which caused them to stop and look in the direction of the noise but saw nothing in the dark.
- Feeling terrified, they crossed to the other side of the road and ran away from the spot where they heard the scream.
- They speculated about the nature of the noise, considering whether it might have been an animal or someone playing a prank.
- After the incident, they were paranoid and kept looking back while walking home and resolved not to stay out so late again due to fear and danger.
- Safe at home, they related the experience to friends and reaffirmed their lack of belief in ghosts, feeling more fear towards tangible threats they've encountered.
- The creator recalls a past childhood experience of a mysterious reflection while cooking but remains skeptical of ghosts, preferring evidence-based beliefs, yet occasionally feeling uncertainty ("what if" moments).
- Concluding the video, they revisit the location of the scream at night, noting that it remains quite dark but highlighting the sky. They jest by pretending there's a fright before revealing it was just a joke.
- The creator provides an update that the earlier pathway now has lighting, making it safer for people to walk at night, but they still won't risk coming home late again.
- They express gratitude to the viewers for watching and for their patience with the creator's irregular upload schedule, ending the video with casual goodbyes.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Buwan na ng katatakutan.
At dahil dyan, sinabi ko sa uli kong video na
meron akong story na saktong-sakto sa mga gantong panahon.
Kaya bumirmin na kayo dyan at makinig dahil
ikikwento ko na experience ko na ngayong taon lang din talaga nangyari.
Hapon na noon at busy ako nag-a-animate para sa video ko dito sa YouTube.
At ang buong akala ko, isa na namang normal na araw yun para sa akin.
Kasi ang usual na routine ko dito pag pag-abin na,
eh nakilis na ako dito sa bahay.
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